Herbert Frank, Herbert Brian, Anderson Kevin. Set of nine books: 1. Dune. 2. Messiah of the Dune. Children of the Dune. 3. God the Emperor of the Dune. 4. Heretics of the Dune. 5. Dune Capital. 6. Atreides House. 7. Harconnen House. 8. Corrineau House. 9. Battlerian Jihad. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)./Gerbert Frenk, Gerbert Brayan, Anderson Kevin. Komplekt iz devyati knig: 1. Dyuna. 2. Messiya Dyuny. Deti Dyuny. 3. Bog Imperator Dyuny. 4. Eretiki Dyuny. 5. Kapitul Dyuny. 6. Dom Atreydesov. 7. Dom Kharkonnenov. 8. Dom Korrino. 9. Batlerianskiy dzhikhad. Series: Gold fantasy series. M. ACT. 2001-2004. Sold only by kit. SKUalb846a2430e6fd96f7.