Blavatsky H.P. Collection of Works: Unmasked by Isis. Secret Doctrine. Tablets of Astral Light. Fragments of Occult Truth. The Key to Theosophy. From the Caves and Forest of India. Theosophical Dictionary (Set of 10 Books). In Russian (ask us if in doubt)./Blavatskaya E.P. Sobranie sochineniy: Razoblachennaya Izida.Taynaya doktrina.Skrizhali astral'nogo sveta.Fragmenty okkul'tnoy istiny.Klyuch k teosofii.Iz peshcher i debrey Indostana.Teosofskiy slovar' (Komplekt 10 knig). Series: The Great Devotees of M. Exmos. 2002-2004) in two volumes,The Secret Doctrine (1884-1891) in three volumes, the following five volumes -Tablets of Astral Light, Fragments of the occult truth, The Key to Theosophy, From the Caves and Deer of the Indian Ocean, The Theosophical Dictionary - contain little-known articles by E.P. Blavatskaya that complement and develop the occult-mystical philosophy ofThe Secret Doctrine andEnlightened Isis, numerous notes, essays, articles, conversations, letters, works of art, and works of art belonging to her pen. SKUalbb8c5f09c50465a76.