Product Description




Made in Singapore. Exclusive Formulaton.


Based on decades of clinical experience, the Fei Fah Brand Gold Lion Rheumatic Oil is formulated using traditional and superior natural medical ingredients coupled with pain relieving medication, to provide effective pain relief and soothe muscular stiffness.


This product gives the warmth that goes deep in the affected area, to give effective soothing relief from muscular pain, joint aches, lumbago and pain associated with rheumatics, arthritis, backaches and sprain.


Indications / Benefits


. For the relief of rheumatic pain, sprains, lumbago, strains, cramp, backache, muscle pain, neck shoulder stiffness.

Swell and itch, numbness, throbbing pain on limbs, bruises, muscle sprains from over-exertion, enhance blood circulation and insect bites.

Releases bruises, sore and tight muscles. Relief of painful and aching joints.

For all wind troubles, sprains, cramps.






Use a warm towel to apply onto the affected area for 2 minutes first. Apply 2 to 3 drops to the affected area, pressure with the thumb on the area and rub slowly for 1 to 2 minutes. This will enhance blood circulation, 3 to 5 times daily pain is relieved.




Safety Information




For external use only. 


If rash occurs, discontinue use immediately. If the symptom persists or redness is present, consult a physician immediately. Avoid contact with eyes. If contact occurs, rinse the eye with cold water. 


Keep out of reach of children. Not suitable for children under the age of 12 years old.





All items are shipped directly from Singapore, its country of origin, with tracking information available to check the delivery status. 


Stock Availability


Ready in-stock.







新加坡制造之惠华牌金狮子油是采用古方, 精选名贵药材配制而成, 其气味芳香, 奏效讯速。







能舒解肌肉疼痛, 腰酸背疼, 关节炎疼, 风湿骨疼, 坐骨神经疼, 扭伤, 肌肉拉伤, 颈肩疼痛等。









用数滴(根据个人情况而定) 搽于患处, 按定患处, 并与适当的按摩, 一天35次, 如有需要可重复使用。










本品只供外用, 忌食。孕妇及皮肤敏感者忌用。十二岁以下儿童禁用。请将本品放置于儿童没法触摸的地方。使用时避免接触眼睛及敏感肌肤。如使用本品后皮肤过敏或刺激红肿, 请立即停止使用, 先用大量清水清洗, 如果七日后症状还未好转, 请立即请教医生。










所有商品从原产地新加坡直邮发货, 附带跟踪信息, 以方便检查其交货状态。



亲们, 若要咨询金狮子油, 欢迎加微信号 Aha-Yess 曾先生联系, 感谢您的光临。
















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