TRI-COLOR PAINTED DAISY. Originally from Asia and North Africa this introduced wildflower will grow just about anywhere with 5/6 hrs of sun a day. Water the seedlings regularly until they become established; mature plants are drought tolerant, but need occasional watering, especially when in bloom. Pinch back the tips of the developing plants for healthy, bushy foliage. For the longest blooming season, remove old, faded blossoms. Blooms mid-summer through early fall. Painted Daisy Tri-Color flowers are White under yellow's and red's all with a purple center. No two flowers are alike. Easy to grow. Reseeds itself. Also does well in containers. 200+seeds per order. Thank You!
Chrysanthemum carinatum-painted daisy.
Annual that reseeds itself.
Spring Soil temp 68F+.
Full sun/P. sun.
SOW 1/16" deep, 4" apart. Keep moist.
Germination in 14-28 days.
Thin to 16".
Height 18"-36" x 18" Wide.
Medium water. Light fertilizer in early summer will increase blooms through fall.
Flowers are mix of colors. Blooms from mid-summer through fall.