Title: The Bernal Story: Mediating Class and Race in a Multicultural Community Author: Beth Roy Forward by: John Paul Lederach Publisher: Syracuse University Press Publication Year: 2014 Edition: First Edition Format: Hardcover with Dust Jacket (HCDJ) Condition: Good
Description: Presenting "The Bernal Story: Mediating Class and Race in a Multicultural Community" by Beth Roy. Published by Syracuse University Press in 2014, this hardcover book with a dust jacket explores the dynamics of class and race in a multicultural community. The first edition is in good condition, as depicted in the attached photos.
About the Book: "The Bernal Story" delves into the complexities of mediating class and race within a multicultural community. Beth Roy provides insights into the challenges and dynamics involved, offering a nuanced perspective on community relations. The book features a forward by John Paul Lederach.
Condition: This first edition hardcover with dust jacket is in good condition. The pages are clean, and the binding is intact. The dust jacket may show some signs of wear. Please refer to the provided photos for a visual representation of the book's condition.
Photographs: Accompanying the listing are detailed photos, offering a clear view of the book's good condition. The images highlight the clean pages, intact binding, and the overall state of the hardcover and dust jacket, allowing potential buyers to assess the quality and appeal of this exploration into community dynamics.
Explore the dynamics of class and race in a multicultural community with "The Bernal Story" by Beth Roy. This first edition hardcover with dust jacket, in good condition, provides valuable insights into mediating complex community relations. Add this book to your collection and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and nuances involved in fostering community cohesion.