Beautifully photographed (Boxoffice), this intriguing film (The Hollywood Reporter) tells the powerful true tale of the Saint Patrick Battalion, a group of soldiers enlisted from Ireland to fight a brutal war between the U.S. and Mexico. Solid performances from Tom Berenger (Gingerbread Man), Joaquim De Almeida (Clear and Present Danger) and Patrick Bergin (Sleeping With the Enemy) drive home this film's universal story about standing up for one's beliefs in the face of adversity. When a small group of Irish soldiersfighting for the U.S. during the Mexican-American Warare treated harshly for their religious convictions, fellow compatriot and career soldier Sergeant John Reilly (Berenger) takes up their cause and leads them in a desperate escape across the border into the enemy territory of Mexico. Now, they must convince a Mexican rebel leader (De Almeida) to let them fight against the U.S. so they can protect their beliefs and save their own lives from the punishment for treason!
Widescreen and Standard versions on one disc!