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Product description: To anyone who is undecided on whether or not fluoride should be added to our public water supplies, I recommend that they read a booklet of less than 40 pages entitled A COMMON SENSE LOOK AT WATER FLUORIDATION and a book of about 195 pages , both entitled THE INDISPUTABLE CASE AGAINST WATER FLUORIDATION available from Amazon for just 99 cents each through a Kindle book reader. To those interested in finding out the history and the insidious pattern that spawned water fluoridation and that supports this most unscientific and most dangerous practice ever devised I recommend that they read THE FLUORIDE DECEPTION also available from Amazon through a Kindle book reader and in book stores.
This book provides the needed detailed information that shows how water fluoridation violates the human right that is inherent in the US Constitution that gives the right to the freedom of choice to every American, how it violates the food safety laws, how it violates water safety laws, how it endangers the public health, how it contaminates the environment with one of the most dangerous cumulative toxins, why it is not an essential nutrient, why it cannot prevent any tooth decay, why it is not safe to ingest in any amount, how it violates the Code of Ethics of the American Medical Association, how it is defined as a criminal act by the rules of the Nuremberg Code why it is not as great a scientific breakthrough as pasteurization, chlorination, and immunization, and why it is instead an innovation that will someday be recognized as the biggest blot that has ever stained the credibility and ethical standards of American science.
There are two extremely opposite sides to the issue of fluoridating Public Water Supplies. The reason given by proponents is that fluoride prevents tooth decay. To buttress their position they have the backing of The American Dental Association and elements of the US Government, and they make groundless, dogmatic statements that fluoride is an essential nutrient, that water fluoridation is as great a discovery as pasteurization, chlorination, and immunization. That it is the least expensive way to prevent tooth decay, that it is the only way to guarantee the teeth health of poor children, that it is widely accepted, and that it is safe and benefits everyone. It should be noted that there are large costs in terms of money, time, and labor that are required by both sides, but while the side that favors fluoridation is backed financially and politically by money that comes mostly from the American taxpayers, either directly or indirectly, and is supplied the necessary labor through mercenaries and paid consultants, the side that opposes water fluoridation which is greater in numbers and more qualified scientifically comprises individuals who contribute their own funds, their own time, and their own labor. It should be easy to see which side is has the role of the underdog and which side seems to have a hidden agenda that must be worth supporting.
Those who oppose water fluoridation include most of the world’s governments, most of the world’s scientists, nearly all of the scientists who work for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), most of the Nobel Prize winners in medicine and chemistry who have voiced an opinion on the issue, Tens of thousands of American scientists, including thousands of medical doctors and a number of dentists. Many proponents who have converted to opponents when they decided to investigate the issue for themselves, Thousands of Americans who have learned of the facts and who are not confused by the propaganda backed by tax payer dollars that spreads lies and misinformation about the mythical benefits of water fluoridation.