Title: Santo Natale (Italian Christmas Song)
Artist: David Whitefield
Publisher: Larry Spier, Inc.
Copyright/Release Date: 1954
Condition: Very Good to Excellent aside from 1/2" bottom edge tear
Comments: Santo Natale is a timeless Christmas song that holds a special place in the hearts of many. Originating from Italy, this beautiful melody has been embraced by people all over the world, and has become a beloved holiday classic. Written by Bruno Cherubini and composed by Idelfonso Mascia, Santo Natale captures the essence of Christmas and the joyous spirit it brings. When translated from Italian, "Santo Natale" means "Holy Christmas." This song embodies the religious significance of the holiday season and brings to light the joyous and sacred atmosphere surrounding Christmas celebrations. David Whitfield's rendition of Santo Natale beautifully captures the true meaning of Christmas, reminding us to cherish our loved ones and appreciate the blessings in our lives.