1 MILLION + SCOVILLE!!! Ghost Pepper {bhut jolokia} 2007-2017 Winner! Heirloom non-gmo 50+seeds free shipping! us seller
Bhut Jolokia This pepper is on the EXTREME end of the chili world, weighing in from 855,000
Scoville heat units to an eye-popping 1,041,427 SHU! It’s one of the hottest peppers in the
world and a one-time Guinness Book of World Records champ.
Ghost pepper fast facts
Scoville heat units (SHU) 855,000 – 1,041,427
Median heat (SHU) 948,214
Jalapeño reference point 107 to 417 times hotter!!!
Capsicum species Chinense
Use Culinary
Size 2 to 3 inches long, pod-like
Flavor Sweet, fruity, earthy
Germination rate 90%
germination date 1/16/22
They are so hot that precautions should be taken when handling
Bhut Jolokia are so spicy that special precautions should be taken in their handling.
Wear gloves, at minimum to keep significant chili burn at bay. But if you’re sensitive
to capsaicin (the compound that gives chilies their heat), then we recommend wearing
eye goggles and even a face mask when handling the Bhut Jolokia.
Caution!!! This peppers are the real deal. They are hot and very dangerous. We accept no
responsibility for their heat!
Bhut Jolokia (Capsicum chinense "Bhut Jolokia") is a cultivar of pepper grown for its
exceptionally hot, spicy fruit. It is a tender perennial, and will persist year-round
within U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 and above. The seeds
germinate best indoors where it is easier to create and control the environmental
conditions required for successful germination. "Bhut Jolokia" pepper seeds germinate
slowly and require approximately 160 days to set fruit, so it is best to start them at
least two months before the last spring frost.
germination rate 90%
germination date 1/16/22
Combine 5 parts seed-starting compost,
1 part fine sand and 1 part perlite in a bucket. Drizzle water onto the mixture while stirring.
Keep adding water in small increments until the mixture feels moderately moist throughout.
2 Pack the moistened compost mixture into 3-inch starter pots. Fill the pots to within 1/4 inch
of the top. Lightly firm the mixture to collapse any air pockets. Poke a 1/2-inch-deep hole in
the center of the mixture.
3 Place one "Bhut Jolokia" pepper seed in the planting hole. Fill in the hole with seed-starting
compost. Cover the surface of the compost mixture with a 1/16-inch-thick layer of fine sand.
4 Arrange the starter pots on a warming mat near a large window with six to eight hours of sun
exposure each day. Cover the pots with a plastic propagation dome or a sheet of clear plastic wrap.
5 Set the temperature on the warming mat to between 80 and 90 F. Keep the warming mat at that
temperature all day and night during the germination process.
6 Check the moisture level in the compost mixture daily. Add water whenever the top 1/4 inch
feels nearly dry. Water with a misting bottle or by drizzling water onto the surface. Avoid
overwatering since the seeds will fail.
7 Watch for germination one month after sowing, but don't be surprised if it takes up to two
months for some of the "Bhut Jolokia" seeds to sprout.
8 Lower the temperature to 75 F after germination. Remove the propagation dome two weeks after
germination. Decrease water slightly so the top 1/2 inch dries out slightly between waterings.
9 Transplant the "Bhut Jolokia" pepper seedlings into a sunny bed with moist, fast-draining
soil after all frost danger has passed and the soil has warmed to at least 68 F. Space
the plants 2 feet apart.