Cabbage Seeds
Germination rate 85%
How to grow
Cabbage is easy to grow from seed. Plan to set out early types 4 weeks before the last expected frost date. Sow seeds indoors, 1/4 inch deep and 2 inches apart, around mid-January or February in the South and in March in the North. Place in a sunny spot or under lights with temperatures between 60° and 70°F, and keep the soil uniformly moist. When daytime temperatures reach 50°F and seedlings have three leaves, plant them outdoors.
Plant seedlings in the garden slightly deeper than they grew in flats. Space 6 to 12 inches apart in rows 1 to 2 feet apart. Wide spacings produce bigger heads, but young, small cabbages are tastier. To get both, plant 6 inches apart and harvest every other one before maturity. Stagger plantings at 2-week intervals for a longer harvest.
Start your late crop in midsummer, sowing seeds in flats or directly in the garden. Space these seedlings farther apart than the spring crop, and place them so a tall crop, such as corn or pole beans, provide some afternoon shade.
Growing guidelines
Soil texture is not critical, but early cabbages do best in a sandy loam, while later types prefer a heavier, moisture-retaining soil. Side-dress seedlings with rich compost 3 weeks after planting. Hand pull weeds to avoid damaging cabbage's shallow roots; use a mulch to keep the soil moist. Uneven watering can cause a sudden growth spurt that will make the developing head split. If you see a cabbage head starting to crack, twist the plant a half turn and pull up to slightly dislodge the roots and thus slow the plant's growth. Or use a spade to cut the roots in one or two places 6 inches below the stem. This also helps to prevent cabbage from bolting (producing a flower stalk).
Avoid wetting the foliage during cool weather or periods of high humidity, because constantly wet leaves are prone to disease. Cut back on water as cabbage matures. If leaves start to yellow, provide a mid-season nitrogen boost with compost tea. See the Compost entry for instructions for making compost tea. This type of feeding can also encourage a slow-growing crop to mature before hot weather or a winter freeze sets in.
Use a sharp knife to cut heads when they are firm. Leave stalks and roots in place to produce tasty little cabbages; eat them like Brussels sprouts or let them develop into a second crop of small heads. Fresh cabbage has the best taste, but late-season cultivars keep well in a moist, cool place (32° to 40°F) for 5 to 6 months. Use split heads for making sauerkraut.
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* Germination rate depends on the country and the weather conditions.