Mimosa Pudica seeds

Listing for 50 seeds

Sow indoors at any time of year.
Soak the seeds in a container of warm water for a couple of hours. Place 2 or 3 seeds in 7cm (3”) pots of seed compost, giving enough water to make the mixture barely moist. Cover the pot with clear plastic wrap.
Place the pots in bright light at a temperature of 18 to 21°C (65 to 70°F).
Water enough to keep soil from drying out completely. Germination will vary, from a few days to several weeks as it is dependent on the temperature.
Remove the plastic cover once they have germinated. The seedling leaves will not move. About three weeks later, real leaves will appear and will move.
Choose the strongest seedling and transplant the weaker ones to other pots. Once they are well established, the plants should be transplanted to 13cm (5”) pots of standard soil-based potting mixture.

Mimosa pudica is very easy to grow from seed and is a very adaptable plant but it does need humidity and warmth. It can be kept in most situations in a warm greenhouse or in the house. Keep a mister close by and mist it with tepid water occasionally. It needs light; it is shade intolerant: in the wild, it does not compete with tall vegetation.

Being a member of the pea family, Leguminosae, it has the ability to fix nitrogen from the air and is therefore adaptable to most soil types, including those of poor quality.
The plant flowers best and its foliage is at its most attractive when the roots are confined in a relatively small space, however, root ends appearing through the drainage holes will indicate that repotting is necessary. Repot using a soil-based potting mixture when the roots have filled the current pot.
If it becomes “leggy” cut it back, it will then send up new shoots.

Plant Uses:
Indoor, Greenhouse or conservatory plant, Children.

The scientific name is derived from the Greek, Mimosa meaning 'a mimic' which alludes to the sensitivity of the leaves; and the Latin pudica, meaning bashful, retiring or shrinking.
A similar but unrelated plant, Acacia dealbata, is sold as mimosa by florists.


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All seeds in my shop are from my organic garden here in Greece.

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* Germination rate depends on the country and the weather circumstances.