The narrative of the first two books in The Headless Trilogy has moved into the world of politics. The New Prometheans, the organisation dedicated to the restoration of the primacy of justice in our legal institutions, are presented with a chance to secure a parliamentary seat for Robert Snoddy. However, ghosts from the second novel, The Barabbas Choice, rise from the ashes and threaten to derail the political campaign. Graham Myles, Inspector Stranaghan’s sergeant in Headless, is called in to investigate the undercover operation that forms the central action of The Barabbas Choice.
There is a distinct danger that the truth about Justin Wright’s collusion with Robert Snoddy and the latter’s involvement in the death of Dwayne Rodgers will come out. It is under this cloud that the selection procedures for the parliamentary seat are conducted. Derek Schinski, a character new to the trilogy, has been press ganged into serving the Promethean cause. It is due to his Machiavellian manoeuvrings that the campaign has remained on the road, but the question is: will his guile be enough to secure the seat?