Aura Glasses, a tool that enables anyone to learn to see the human aura and ethereal world. Aura screens discovered in 1911 by English doctor Walter J. Kilner who was experimenting with methods of medical diagnostics. He discovered the dye dicyanine.
How aura glasses work is sensitize the eye and sets your visual perception to a special mode. It is closely intertwined with human brain physiology. The key part of this device is the dyed light filters with special certain characteristics.
It stimulates your ability to distinguish colors in aura, see up to six different aura fields, how auras of two or more people interact with each other, and, when practiced regularly, provide you with an ability to see aura without wearing the goggles, any time you wish.
Many people already possess the ability to see the aura to some degree, and only require sensitization and training to activate and improve that ability.
It will suit a medical doctor, a psychologist, a parapsychologist, or a healer as well as any person who aspires to see more than everybody else does.
PranaVision glasses dyed by our own discovered dicyanine spectrum dye. For 9 years, our company has experimented with different dyes and created our own dicyanine spectrum dye. According to research results, this dye is even more effective than original dicyanine.
Detailed instruction with techniques and exercises and a scale for assessing the ability to see the aura are included.
Having learned to “read” the aura of another person,we gain access to the entire layer of information
from the subconscious: to all thoughts, feelings, intentions, inclinations, personality and character of a
But seeing the aura is not only a visual effect, but also work on oneself, that is, self-development:
- the ability to plunge into a deep trance state, which in itself is healing and is the basis for the
development of healing abilities in oneself;
- the ability to tune to the frequency characteristics of the alpha rhythm and rhythms of the Earth
(Schumann frequency) and attaining a state of Harmony with the Universe;
- a specific synchronizing effort of the cerebral hemispheres, which is the key to the instant resolution of internal conflicts and the attainment of states of Inner Harmony and Inner Peace;
- supersensible bodily perception of subtle energies, which is necessary for yoga, reiki, qigong, tai chi
and all other bodily practices, gaining body integrity and the ability to control the attention and energies of your body;
- the ability to plunge into altered states of consciousness to connect to the channels of intuitive
(illogical) receiving information.