Title: Lois Weber: Interviews (Conversations with Filmmakers Series) Condition: Good (as seen in photos) Description: Explore the insightful conversations with one of early Hollywood's influential figures with "Lois Weber: Interviews," edited by Martin F. Norden. This paperback, part of the Conversations with Filmmakers Series by the University Press of Mississippi (2019), offers a collection of interviews shedding light on Lois Weber's perspectives and experiences. As seen in the photos, the book is in good condition, preserving a valuable discourse on the pioneering filmmaker. Features:
Condition: The paperback is in good condition, providing a unique glimpse into Lois Weber's thoughts through various interviews. Please refer to the accompanying photos to assess the book's physical condition, including the cover and pages. Shipping: Rest assured that the item will be securely packaged and promptly shipped to ensure its safe delivery to your location. Note to Buyers: Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need additional information about "Lois Weber: Interviews." We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with your purchase. |