1885 antique ROCK ISLAND il HISTORY GENEALOGY biography indian railroads

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This listing is for the original hardcover, leather over board book shown. Measures approx 10.75"x8.75" with 818 pages. Thick and heavy.

Portrait and Biographical Album of Rock Island County, Illinois. Chicago: Biographical Publishing Co., 1885.
Franklin, J. G 603 
Freek, W. R., M. D 434 
French, Augustus C 143 
Freytag, Fred 572 
Friberg, Andrew 208 

Gamble, Win. J 252 
Garfield, James A Q5 
Gatchell, H. P 711 
Gibson, George 403 
Gilchrist, Hugh 649 
Gillmore, John S 525 
Glanz, Mrs. Peter 420 
Goble, Benj 401 
Goldsmith, Wm 616 
Goodlow, Stephen E 440 
Goodrich, Calvin 228 
Gould, Charles L 300 
Gould, I>an W 627 
Gould, George D., Sr 201 
Gould, John M 469 
Graham, J. W 522 
Grant, Ulysses S 87 
Grantz, Conrad F 521 
Gray, Will 654 
Gregg, Dr- Patrick P .234 
Griffith, John 421 
Griffith, John R 420 
G room, J . K 668 

Hains, Daniel 531 
Hamilton, John M 179 
Hampton, Joel L) 5ig ' 
Hanna, James 326 
Har.sgen, Charles 45S 
Hanson, Albert 326 
Harris, Frank H 665 
Harrison, Wm. H 51 
Hartzell, Michael 371 
Hasselquist, Rev. T. N 653 
Hauberg, Marx D 634 
Hawes, C- W 572 
Hayes, Rutherford B 91 
Hayes, William 323 
Heald, Charles W 369 
Heath, S. W 655 
Heimbeck, EmiJ 200 
Hemenway, Charles F 279 
Hemenway, Luke E 216 
Hepburn, Charles S 202 
Hess, William B 350 
Hesseman, Lewis E ^19 
Hillier, George 396 
Hines, Thomas S. . .t 251 
Hitchcock, Rev. A. B 214 
Hofsteter, John A . 633 
Hollister, Albert F 216 
Hollister, Edmund 370 
Hollister, Isaac 548 
Holmes, George E 479 
Holt, John M 235 
Hubbard, Anson M 193 
Huber, Ignatz 516 
Hull, George E 296 
Hull, Henry J 363 
Humphrey, Edgar 430 
Huntoon, George H 606 
Huntoon, Jonathan 577 
Huntoon, Joseph 522 
Hunter, Dr. Warren 415 
Huyett, Dr. Joseph 416 
Hyde, H. W 542 
Jackson, Andrew 43 
Jefferson, Thomas 27 
Johnson, A. J 447 
Johnson, Andrew S3 
Johnson, F. A 527 
Johnson, Joseph J 553 
Johnson, Swan J 644 
Johnson, Rev . T. R 277 
Johnson, Wm. N 311 
Johnston, Edwin H 433 
Johnston, James R 508 
Jones, T. M 287 
Jordan, Capt. John A 6to 
Jordan, Wm 662 
Josephson, Win 359 

Keator, J. S 407 
Keleher, James 257 
Kennedy, John 200 
Kennedy, Samson 663 
Kerns, Wm 241 
Ketcham, Wm 505 
Killing, F. C 666 
Killing, Wm 445 
King, Peter 376 
Kinyon,C. E , M D 487 
Kittelsen, Andrew 202 
Kittilson, Ed 592 
Knox, Edwin B 305 
Laflin, Charles 278 
Lancashire, John 487 
Larkin, Charles H 605 
Lee, Mylo 585 
Le Quatte, Jeremiah 340 
Le Quatte, Jeremiah 227 
Lincoln, Abraham 79 
Lind, Peter E 586 
Lindahl, Prof. Josua 597 
Lindeblad, Rev. Henry O....284 
Lindstrom, Albert 454 
Little, Andrew J 413 
Lloyd, Joseph W 279 
Loding, John H 401 
Long, John L 274 
Lowry, Lazarus 43S 
Lundy, W. H 454 

Mack, William S 289 
Madison, James 31 
Mapes, Ellsworth 639 
Mardock, David 325 
Mardock, Henry .466 
Marshall, Jacob H 494 
Marshall, Jared 390 
Marshall, John 479 
Marshall, Wm 208 
Marshall, Wm. <i 372 
Martin, David M 230 
Matteson, Joel A 149 
Matthews, Dr. J. S 513 
Maurer, Casper 369 
Maxwell, Jesse 384 
McCain, Levi 357 
McCall, Hugh 258 
McCandless, John . 233 
McCarl, Peter 472 
McClendon, Y. E 533 
McConnell, Wm. 567 
McCreery, Robert D. 578 
McCulloch, Howard 660 
McDonald, J. B 651 
McEniry, Wm 580 
McGlynn, P. S =66 
McKinley, Milton 626 
McMann, Robert 666 
McNabney, Julius L 453 
Mi Neal, Dan 365 
McNeal, George 366 
Merriman, Timothy 505 
Metzgar, D. S 245 
Metzgar, John 265 
Meyer, Henry 618 
Mitchell, P. L 459 
Men roe, James 35 
Montgomery, Daniel 657 
Montgomery, Capt. Robert S.656 
Montgomery, Wm. G 242 
Moore, George S 457 
Moore, Gilpin 594 
Moore, John C 236 
Morgan, Rev. Charles L 377 
Morgan, James W„, M . D. .. .425 
Mosher, Daniel 640 
Mott, James Z 460 
Mudge, Lester D 351 
Munger, William H 428 
Munro, John 669 
Munro, Robert H 207 

Nason, Charles O 623 
Nichols, Fred S 713 
Nicholson, Miles T91 
Noah, John L. 639 
Norrish, Joshua 514 
Nourse, W. A 286 

Oakley, H. P 422 
Odendahl, Peter , 358 
Ogden, Hiram L. .. .600 
Oglesby, Richard J . 163 
Okerberg, Eric * 568 ' 
Olsson, Prof. Olaf 669 
Oltmann, Frederick 465 ' 
Oltmanns, Wm 437 
Osborn, Frederick-, 360 
Palmer, James F 337 
Palmer, John M 167 
Park , Joh n 502 
Parks, Henry H 288 
Parks, Jonathan H 318 
Parks, Wm. S., Jr 386 
Paulsen, Hans 592 
Paulsen, Mattheas M 414 
Payne, William. 532 
Peal, Oscar 319 
Pears, John 515 
Pearsall, George 290 
Pearsall, J ere.... 437 
Pearsall, Luther S 502 
Pearsall, Robert E 247 
Pearsall, Wm. C 591 
Pearsall, W. W 644 
Pershing, E. J 714 
Peterson, Johannes 610 
Peterson, John A 585 
Peterson, Peter H 577 
Philleo, Addison N 214 
Phillips, J. S 485 
Pierce, Franklin 71 
Pingree, George E 253 
Piper, Dr. Charles E 643 
Polk, James K 59 
Porter, John H 605 
Potter, John William.. 643 
Ramsey, B. F 609 
Rasmussen, J. C 658 
Redecker, B. Henry 403 
Reed, Helen W 457 
Reeves, L- H 460 
Reid, David .334 
Reticker, John M 667 
Rettig, Martin 615 
Reynolds, H.G 712 
Reynolds, E. P., Sr 446 
Reynolds, James 358 
Reynolds, John 123 
Reynolds, William 599 
Rice, CM 345 
Ricketts, Anthony ' --35 2 
Richardson, David 604 
tfinck, William 447 
Robertson, James 664 
Robinson, James F 404 
Robinson, Thomas J 480 
Robinson, Winthrop 264 
Rodman, Gen. T. J 655 
Rogers, Dr. E. E 488 
Rosenfield, Morris. 265 
Ruge, Wm. A. F 464 
Runge, Wm 3 1 : 
Samuelson, John 534 
Sayre, A. L s73 
Schafer, Charles F 392 
Schafer, John 229 
Schillinger, Martin.. 338 
Schlueter, Peter 664 
Schmid, Carl August - ..662 
Schoon maker, M 219 
Schroeder, William F 507 
Seaberg, Charles C 280 
Sear], Ambrose 56S 
Searl, J. A 648 
Sears, David B 451 
Sears. George W 398 
Sears, William 397 
Segur, Gustavus N. 415 
Seiver, Jacob A 322 
Sexton, Jared 66S 
Shaffer, Andrew C 612 
Shall, John 410 
Shallene, John A 628 
Shaw, Fred 554 
Shaw, James 349 
Sheldon, Rev. James -583 
Shepard, Nathan ....632 
Shurtleff, H. S 621 
Silvis, Richard S 389 
Silvis, Thomas S 508 
Simmon, Phillip. 622 
Simonson, J. W 617 
Simpson, Thomas 427 
Sinnet, Alanson 331 
Sinnet. Francis M 625 
Skidmore, Dr . Luther W. . . . 472 
Skinner, Orrin 541 
Skinner, Porter 501 
Sleight, H. O 499 
Sloan, Samuel 493 
Sloan, W. K., M. D 324 
Small, Dr. James L 506 
Smith, Ezra.. 528 
Smith, James W 340 
Ashdown, Henry 286 
Atkinson, Charles 645 
Augustana College 761 
Barnard, H. A 237 
Boggess, Henry C 249 
Bowles, Madison 309 
Bowles, Samuel ... .475 
Cook, William 249 
Cozad, Dr- James.. 297 
Davenport, Bailey 196-7 
Deere, John 210-n 
Dimock, D. C 483 
Edgington, Daniel --349 
Smith, John S 632 
Spencer, E . W 499 
Spencer, J. W 545 
Stafford, S.L 526 
Stanley, Clifton 567 
Stark, Dr. J. W 392 
Starkey, Joseph 500 
Stephens, George-... 229 
Stewart, Jacob, M. D 332 
Stoddard, H P 633 
Stuart, Dr. F 386 
Sundin, Charles 600 
Swain, Nathan 526 
Swensson, Gustaf 427 
Swisher, S. L 239 
Taylor, James 554 
Taylor, S. C 664 
Taylor, Zachary 03 
Tew, James 352 
Thede, William C 516 
Thomas, Henry F 286 
Thompson, D. \V 533 
Thulin, Charles G 661 
Tindall, John 652 
Tindall, Joseph F 653 
Tindall, W. P 55 8 
Titterington, Charles 301 
Titterington, Moses 302 
Toothaker, George D 534 
Torpin, Richard 539 
Towndrow, B. R. , Sr 617 
Trent, Henry C 302 
Truesdale, Dr. C 652 
Tubbs, Parker N 565 
Turner, Elihu 515 
Turner, Wm. H 573 
Twigg, Wm- M., M. D 5 6o 
Tyler, John 55 
Tyrrell, Nathan C 495 
Elliott, L. C 275 
Einfeldt, Z 399 
Fort Armstrong 261 
Foster, J. H 297 
Hines, T. S 27s 
Huber, Ignatz 517 
Killing, Wm 443 
Marshall, W. G 373 
McEniry, Wm 5&1 
Montgomery, Daniel 657 
Montgomery, R. S 657 
Moore, Gilpin 505 
Osborn, Fred - -3 01 

UhlmN, Wm 593 
Underwood, James R 434 

Van Buren, Martin 47 
Van Horn, James 395 
Velie, Stephen H 604 
Venable, James 240 
Vieriech, Henry 531 
Vincent, George, M. D 521 
Vitzthum, Casper 609 
Vogel, John C 448 

Wajner, ( reorge 260 
Wain wright, Isaac 631 
Wain wright, Isaac 514 
Wait, William 308 
Waite, C B ..712 
Walker, George W 265 
Walker, Rufus 378 
Warman, E 324 
Warnock, David 351 
Warnock, John 252 
Warr. J. W 290 
Washington, George 19 
Waters, Chester C 259 
Weatherhead, D. A 579 
W eaiherhead, Ira 398 
Weaver, George 654 
Weaver, George W 650 
Weaver, Jacob M 612 
Weaver, John 594 
Webb, I). J 486 
Webber, Christopher C. .. 215 
Webster, Wm. D 574 
Weckel, Adolph 641 
Weidner, Prof. R. F 465 
Welch, Wm. C 616 
Wells, Albert 547 
Wells, Edgar 478 
Wells, Rinnah 425 
Wendel, Frederick 654 
Westerberg, Dr. Fredrik 242 
Wheelock, A. H 640 
Wheelock, Chapin A 597 
Wheelock, Everett 263 
Wheelock, Lucius P 366 
Wheelock, Stillman W 219 
Wheelock, Theodore D 540 
Whipple, Henry 519 
White, Marvel H 245 
White Cloud, Indian Prophet.678 
Whiteside, Samuel 628 
Williams, Alfred 277 
Williams, Daniel P 574 
Wilson, Jacob M 651 
Wilson, John H 507 
Wilson, Lewis 283 
Winter, Basilius.. 266 
Wistrand, Jonas H 258 
Wixon, John 559 
Womacks, Alvin T... 338 
Womacks, W. H 359 
Wood, John 155 
Wray, John E . 650 
Wright, ArthurS.... 350 

Vates, Richard 159 
Youngren, Louis P 299 

Zeigler, N. R 541 
Zeigler, Samuel M 584 
Ziegler, David 306 
Ziegler, Emile E 465 
Ziegler, Henry 326 
Ziegler, Jacob 548 
Zimmerman, Daniel 426 
Zimmerman, J. W r 584 
Zollinger, John 390 
Palmer, J. F 
Parks, J. H 
Parks, W. H. Jr. 
Pearsall, L. S.... 
Pearsall, Jere 
Pearsall, Robert E 665 
Pearsall, W. W 555 
Peterson, John A 275 
Rock Island 725 
Sevier, Jacob A 399 
Shall, John 411 
Shaw, James 349 
Simonson, J. W 286 
Sinnet, Alanson 267 
Sinnet, F. M 297 
Spencer, J. W 267 
Stoddard, H. P 336 
Taylor, James 555 
Taylor, Samuel C 665 
Twigg, Dr- Wm. M 297 
Wagner, George 261 
Warman, E 349 
Weatherhead, Mrs. Jane M..399 
Wheelock, 5. W 224-5 
Zeigler, Samuel M 275 
Adams, John 22 
Adams, John Quincy 38 
Arthur, Chester A 98 
Atkinson, Charles 644 
Bartlett, J. W 570 
Battersby, Richard 462 
Berg, John A. P 648 
Beveridge, John L 170 
Bissell, Wm. H 150 
Black Hawk 684 
Bond, Shadrach no 
Bowles, Madison, 380 
Bowles, Mrs. Rebecca.... -..381 
Bowles, Samuel -474 
Browning, J. T 430 
Buchanan, James 74 
Caldwell, Wm 537 
Caldwell, Mrs. Lydia W 53 6 
Carlin, Thomas 134 
Carlsson, Rev. Erl 614 
Chester, Nelson 256 
Cleaveland, H. C 660 
Cleveland, S. Grover 102 
Coles, Edward 114 
Cullom, Shelby M 174 
Davenport, Bailey 342 
Davenport, Col- George 188 
Danforth, J. B 636 
Deere, John 204 
Dimock, D C 482 
Duncan, Joseph 130 
Dunlap, Adolphus 418 
Edwards, Geo. H 550 
Edwards, Ninian 11S 
Einfeldt, Z . . . . 394 
Ewing, Wm. L. D 126 
Fillmore, Millard 66 
Fish, L. E 292 
Flagler, Col. D. W 316 
Ford, Thomas 138 
Franklin, J. G 602 
French, Augustus C 142 
Garfield, James A 94 
Gillmore. J. S- 524 
Gould, J. M. 468 
Grant, Ulysses S 86 
Haines, Dan 530 
Hamilton, John M 178 
Harrison, Wm. H so 
Hasselquist, Rev. T. N 652 
Hayes, Rutherford B 90 
Hayes, Wm 322 
Heald, C. W 368 
Huntoon, Jonathan 576 
Jackson, Andrew. 42 
Jefferson, Thomas 26 
Johnson, Andrew 82 
Keator, J . S 406 
Killing, Wm 44 2 
Knox, E. B 304 
Lincoln, Abraham 7° 
Madison, James - 30 
Matteson, Joel A 146 
Mathews, Dr. J. S 511 
Mathews, Mrs. Mary J 510 
McCain, Levi 35s 
McCain, Mrs. Harriett 354 
McCandless, John 232 
Monroe, James 34 
Morgan, J . W 424 
Oglesby, Ricnard J 162 
Palmer, John M 166 
Pearsall, Wm- C 588 
Pearsall, Mrs. Jane 589 
Pierce, Franklin 70 
Polk, James K 58 
Ramsey, B. F 608 
Reed, Mrs. Helen W 456 
Reynolds, John 122 
Sears, D. B 450 
Shaw, James ....348 
Shurtleff, H. S 620 
Sin net, Alanson 328 
Sin net, Mrs. Pauline E 329 
Sinnet, Mrs. Julia A 332 
Sleight, H. O 498 
Sloan, Samuel 491 
Sloan, Mrs. Mary 490 
Spencer, J. W 544 
T ay lor, Zachary 62 
Tubbs, Parker N 562 
Tubbs, Mrs- Hester A 563 
Tyler, John 54 
Van Buren, Martin 46 
Wainwright, Isaac. 630 
Washington, George 18 
Wheelock, S. W 218 
White Cloud 680 
White, Marvel H 244 
Wilson, Lewis 282 
Wood, John 154 
Yates, Richard 158 
Black Hawk War 
Acts of the Co. Com'rs 
Acts of the Co. Court 
Circuit Court 
Criminal Cases 
Representation in High Offices 7° 2 
County Officers 704 
Soldiers' Monument 708 
Illinois Cultivator 709 
Upper Mississippian 7 10 
Northwestern Advertiser 7 1 1 
Rock Island Advertiser 712 
Liberty Banner 7 1 2 
Rock Island Argus 7 13 
Daily Argus 714 
Rock Islander 714 
Daily News 7 15 
Commercial 7 1 6 
Rock Island Register 716 
Rock Island Union 716 
American Law Reporter 718 
Liberty League 718 
Beobachter am Mississippian 7 ' & 
Chronik des Westens 718 
Neue Volks-Zeitung 719 
Moline Workman 719 
Moline Independent 
Mercantile Licenses 
Moline Citizen 
County Poor 
Port Byron 
Moline Republican 
Geographical and Topegraphical
Moline Review 
South Moline 
Moline Review-Dispatcl 
Agricultural Societies 
South Rock Island 
Swedish Citizen 
Pioneer Association 
Daily Republican 
Port Byron Messenger 
Port Byron Times 
Black Hawk's Watch 
Port Byron Weekly 
Port Byron Globe 
Carbon Cliff 
People's Friend 
Milan Record 
Coal Valley 
National Arsenal 
Illinois City 
Black Hawk 
C.,R. I. & P. 
Buffalo Prairie 
Port Byron 
P. & R. I. 
Canoe Creek 
Rapids City- 
R. I. & Mer. Co. 
Coal Valley 
C, M. & St. P. 
Rock Island 
Taylor Ridge 

Excellent original early family and/or town genealogy, history, antique, collectible heirloom and/or ephemera.

CONDITION:  The leather is dried and chipping mostly on spine and edges. You can see repair. See listing description and photos.

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