This 2-disc set itself is Out Of Print (OOP) and features films that are no longer being manufactured in any format. All are widescreen presentations except for the two noted Charles Bronson films. They are probably flipper disc in order to hold all 8 movies.
CAPRICORN ONE: After faking a manned flight to Mars on a soundstage, so Congresss will ok expenditures, the sinister group of NASA officials arrange for the death of the 'astronauts' in order to cover it all up. Wise to their pending demise, James Brolin, Sam Waterson, and O.J. Simpson run for their lives from the studio hangar in the desert. Media reporter Elliott Gould uncovers the conspiracy and tries to get to the men first.
CASSANDRA CROSSING: When a potentially deadly virus is released on a transcontinental train by a terrororist, the infected passengers must find a way to survive as the government plans to reroute the train across an old unused bridge that is bound to collapse into a gorge and cover-up the whole incident.
BORDERLINE (full screen): Charles Bronson is a border patrol guard in pursuit of a murder who gets caught up in trying to help an illegal alien and her young child.
LOVE and BULLETS (full screen): American detective Charlie Congers (Charles Bronson) is sent to the Swiss Alps to find and protect Jackie (Jill Ireland, real life wife of Bronson), the lover of a notorious gangster, so that she can potentially testify against him in a U.S. court.
DOMINO PRINCIPLE: It's got nothing to do with pizza. Vietnam vet Gene Hackman is doing time in prison for murder. When a mysterious man offers to help him escape, Roy accepts... only to find himself the pawn of a shadowy government agency that wants him to do some dirty work as a political assassin.
ALL QUIET ON the WESTERN FRONT: Richard Thomas ('Waltons'), Ernest Borgnine, Donald Pleasence, and Ian Holm star in this gripping coming-of-age tale set in the shadow of WWI.
RAISE the TITANIC: Dr. Seagram has designed a revolutionary defense system for the U.S. It can bring down missiles entering our air space using sound waves. The only problem is that it uses a rare mineral, byzanium. However, it is discovered that a secret shipment of the ore is in the vault of the Titanic, unreachable by subs or humans. A daring plan to raise the ship using bouyancy ballons is put into place and time is ticking as the Russians want it too.
EAGLE HAS LANDED: Robert Duvall, portraying a Nazi colonel in this WWII spy film, commissions Donald Sutherland's Irish, English-hating character to aid him in his mission to kill Prime Minister Winston Churchill. At 135 minutes, this appears to be the restored version.