The Tree of Life meanings vary slightly from culture to culture. However, a common theme they all share is the idea that a mystical tree connects the physical and spiritual worlds. In addition, the Tree of Life is foundational to supporting all life.
This sacred tree became a symbol of the divine order of things as personified by the king. In some cultures a sacred tree was said to bear fruit that could grant immortality to the one who ate it. The Tree of Life to inform, discover, and solve major problems that affect our own species.
It's energies grant wisdom, protection, strength, bounty, beauty, and redemption. The Tree of Life also represents humans as we too develop roots, strengthen our trunk and branch out to a wider vision of life as we grow. With nurture and care, it lives for generations.
One can expect to gain spiritual connections with spirits, to realms and other dimensions, order, balance, resolution to major problems, strong "roots" of energy, a higher perspective of one's life as a whole as well as protection, beauty , strength, knowledge and wisdom as a result of this long held spell