城隍庙 平安转运发财手绳。
祝君 2024年
财源滚滚 招财进宝 日富一日 发财要紧 八方来财 日进斗金 黄金万两
手绳 由 “转运结” “发财结” “招财元宝” 和 “平安” 小挂件 构成。 金属24K镀金, 城隍庙原装正品, 承诺永不掉色。
Chenghuang Temple Peaceful Transit Fortune Hand Rope.
I wish you the year 2024.
Prosperity. Make a big fortune. Inviting wealth and prosperity.
The bracelet consists of a transfer knot, "Fortune Knot", "Fortune Yuanbao" and "Peace" small pendant. Metal 24K gold-plated, Chenghuang Temple original authentic, promise never lose color.