Title: Sturtevant's Notes on Edible Plants: Report of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station for the Year 1919, II

Editor: U. P. Hedrick

Publisher: J. B. Lyon Company, Albany, NY

Publication Year: 1919

Condition: Fair-Good (As seen in photos)


Explore a piece of agricultural history with "Sturtevant's Notes on Edible Plants," a report from the New York Agricultural Experiment Station for the year 1919, II, edited by U. P. Hedrick. This vintage publication, published in 1919 by J. B. Lyon Company, is a valuable resource for those interested in the study of edible plants and their uses.

This book is a collection of notes on edible plants by E. Lewis Sturtevant, a pioneer American botanist and horticulturist. The notes were edited and published by U. P. Hedrick, a prominent pomologist and director of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station.

The book covers more than 3,000 species of plants, with scientific and common names, families, areas of origin, and users.

The book also includes a bibliography of Sturtevant's writings, as well as a list of authors and titles quoted in the notes.

The book is part of the Report of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station for the year 1919. The book is written in a clear and concise style, suitable for students and general readers alike.

Key Features:

  • Publication Year: 1919
  • Publisher: J. B. Lyon Company, Albany, NY
  • Content: Delve into comprehensive notes and research on edible plants, with a focus on agricultural experimentation in New York during 1919. This publication provides valuable insights into plant varieties, cultivation, and uses.
  • Condition: This copy is in fair to good condition, as evident from the provided photos. The pages are legible and well-preserved, bearing the charm of a vintage publication. While there are signs of age and use, it remains an important historical document.
  • Photos: Please refer to the attached photos for a visual representation of the publication's condition, including any visible signs of wear and aging.

Whether you're a historian, a botanist, or someone intrigued by the agricultural practices of the early 20th century, this publication offers a glimpse into a bygone era.