Title: All The Mowgli Stories by Rudyard Kipling - Illustrated by Kurt Wiese - Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, 1950 - New York - Copyright 1936 - Acceptable Condition - Former Library Copy
Embark on a captivating journey with "All The Mowgli Stories" by Rudyard Kipling, featuring delightful illustrations by Kurt Wiese. Published by Doubleday & Company, Inc. in Garden City, New York, in 1950 (with a copyright date of 1936), this edition is presented in acceptable condition, bearing the marks of its age and former library status. The hardcover shows wear, and this book is a former library copy, as visible in the accompanying photos.
Mowgli's Adventures: Immerse yourself in the timeless tales of Mowgli, the beloved character created by Rudyard Kipling, in this classic collection.
Illustrated by Kurt Wiese: Kurt Wiese's charming illustrations add visual enchantment to Kipling's stories, making this edition a delightful reading experience.
Doubleday & Company, Inc. Edition: Published by Doubleday & Company, Inc., this edition is associated with a reputable publishing house, known for its commitment to quality literature.
Copyright 1936: While published in 1950, this edition retains the copyright date of 1936, reflecting the enduring popularity of Kipling's work.
Acceptable Condition: The book is in acceptable condition overall, with visible wear on the hardcover. This is a former library copy, and the associated markings are evident.
Former Library Copy: This book has a history as a former library copy, preserving the characteristics and markings typical of its previous library life.
Visual Confirmation: The provided photos serve as a visual confirmation of the book's condition, allowing you to assess its state and observe the wear and former library markings.
Whether you're a Kipling enthusiast, a collector of vintage books, or someone eager to share Mowgli's adventures with a new generation, this edition of "All The Mowgli Stories" holds a special place in literary history. Seize the opportunity to own this former library copy, embodying the charm of classic storytelling from 1950.