Brand new factory sealed blu-ray featuring 2 of Quentin Tarantino's "favoritre spaghetti westerns". Out Of Print (OOP) in all formats and no longer being manufactured.

FORT YUMA GOLD aka Die Now, Pay Later: Former Confederate Gary Diamond has  become a scout at the end of the war. He's leading some Union soldiers to Fort Yuma to help prevent Confederate fanatic Major Sanders from attacking. But unbeknownst to Diamond what Sanders is really after is the gold that's hidden in the fort.

DAMNED HOT DAY of FIRE aka Machine Gun Killers: The creator of the Gatling gun and his famous invention have been kidnapped and are being held from the Union for a million dollar ransom. Hoping they won't fall into the hands of the Confederates, Captain Chris Tanner must find and stop the villianous Tarpas (John Ireland).