Publisher Redleaf Press
ISBN-10 1933653434
Book Title Redleaf Complete Forms Kit for Family Child Care Professionals
Author Tom Copeland
Format CD-ROM
Language English
Topic Administration / Facility Management, Bookkeeping, Office Management
Publication Year 2007
Genre Education, Business & Economics
Target Audience Trade
Series Redleaf Business Ser.

Keep your business organized and save hours of time! This CD-ROM includes more than 150 child care forms--the most comprehensive and professionally presented forms available. Not only will you find standard forms for enrollment and emergency authorization, but also forms such as sample press releases and parent program evaluations, employment agreements, daily child reports, child behavior reports, financial agreements, privacy disclosures, and more--all of which can be customized for your specific needs. The forms on this CD come in two file types, Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF. The Word documents allow you to customize the forms to suit your needs. Business contact information and logo can be added, for example. The Adobe PDF files are not customizable on screen but can be printed out and filled in by hand.