The Wisdom of Your Cells: How Your Beliefs Control Your Biology
Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D.
8 Disc Set
Approximately 8.5 Hours
Sounds True Audio Learning Course
New in Package
When was the last time that learning about a scientific breakthrough left you feeling invigorated, optimistic, and empowered to take charge of your life?
Cellular biologist Dr. Bruce H. Lipton is a pioneer of a new frontier of science that will do just that -
one that gives us astonishing evidence on how our thoughts and beliefs control the destiny of our living bodies.
Even at the cellular level, Dr. Lipton explains, we possess an innate intelligence that is far more crucial to shaping our lives than even our genes.
"In the past," explains Dr. Lipton, "we have been taught that we are like organic machines, a bundle of chemical reactions at the mercy of our own DNA."
On The Wisdom of Your Cells, this renowned researcher reveals how the new science of epigenetics shatters the old, purely mechanistic model of life.
Drawing upon insights from quantum physics, fractal mathematics, and an honest re-examination of long-held biological "truths," Lipton unveils a revolutionary vision of life science
that illuminates the hidden connections between biology, psychology, and spirituality.
Rich in detail yet accessible to the layperson, The Wisdom of Your Cells is a journey that takes you into the world under the microscope,
through the history of evolution, and into the subtle realms of your own consciousness.
With an elegant clarity reminiscent of such popular scientists as Carl Sagan & Stephen Hawking,
Bruce Lipton examines the dance between mind & matter that creates the phenomenon of life
and the profound implications that this new science has for both the future of our species and our own personal lives.
Program Highlights:
The community of "you" - why 50 trillion individual, intelligent cells have agreed to work together to make your life possible
The "Central dogma" of DNA: how the bedrock beliefs of biology came to be, and why they are changing
The Human Genome Project - how this effort to establish the "final word" on DNA unexpectedly toppled our assumptions about life
Finding the "brain" of the cell - intelligence in the last place you would expect
Beyond "survival of the fittest" - how evolution is driven by consciousness and cooperation
Quantum physics and biology - forging critical links between these two branches of science
Placebos and "nocebos" - the limiting stories we tell ourselves, and how we can break free from their grasp
Nature vs nurture? The surprising answer to the age-old biology question
The power of the subconscious: how to "reprogram" our deeply ingrained patterns to live the life we want
Over 8 hours of revolutionary biology and life-changing insights from Dr. Bruce H. Lipton
** Packaging may show some light signs of shelf wear **
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