Title: Beyond Paper Dolls - Expressive Paper Personas Crafted with Innovative Techniques & Art Mediums by Lynne Perrella

Author: Lynne Perrella Original Publisher: Somerset Studio Publication Year: 2006 Publisher: Kellene Giloff, Stampington & Company Printer: Publisher’s Press, Inc.

Description: Explore the world of paper art with "Beyond Paper Dolls," a captivating publication by Lynne Perrella. This Somerset Studio publication delves into the realm of expressive paper personas, showcasing innovative techniques and a variety of art mediums. Whether you're a seasoned paper artist or a curious beginner, this book offers a wealth of inspiration and guidance.

This craft book by Lynne Perrella is a must-read for art, fashion, and craft enthusiasts. With over 192 pages of beautifully illustrated content, this book is perfect for young adults and adults looking to expand their creativity and crafting skills. Discover innovative techniques and art mediums for creating whimsical and expressive paper personas. The book covers a range of topics including art, folk crafts, mixed media, and dolls. It's the perfect addition to any crafting library and a great source of inspiration for anyone looking to step up their crafting game.

Condition: This copy is in very good condition, as evidenced by the detailed photos provided. Pages are crisp and clean, and the binding is well-maintained. Immerse yourself in the intricate details of Perrella's paper creations and discover the possibilities within the pages of this beautifully preserved edition. Please see the photos of the book to see its condition.


  • Innovative paper crafting techniques
  • Artistic exploration of various mediums
  • Step-by-step tutorials for creating expressive paper personas
  • Inspiring visuals and detailed instructions
  • A celebration of the limitless potential of paper art
Whether you're looking to enhance your paper crafting skills or seeking artistic inspiration, "Beyond Paper Dolls" is a must-have addition to your creative library. Immerse yourself in the world of Lynne Perrella's expressive paper personas and let your imagination soar.