Tumorid® Salve: Tumor Remover for Pets, Standard Size. Tumorid® can get rid of your pets' tumors without surgery.Tumorid® was created because Max (the dog with the light on his chest) died after a tumor surgery; I promised myself that I would not allow my dogs to go through another tumor removal through surgery. After extensive testing on different pets and different species of pets, it is now here for you and your pets. You do not need to bring your pets in for a surgery nor pay for a surgeon's fees. Especially at this time during Covid 19. In the comfort of your own home, you can remove your pets tumors. For more information, please check out photonherbalpets.com to see the pictures, videos and vet reports and reviews.30 days money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the product, please return.Most tumors eventually become cancerous. If you love your pets, please give your pets the gift of health.