Elder Futhark Runic Initiation Ritual - Open the Floodgates of the Universe In You
Hail Odin, and welcome, Seeker.
I, the runemaster, Aowulf, welcome you to a new beginning. You are ready to leave your old life, filled with drudgery, the droning of everyday existence, and stifled with the blindness of mundane "reality", behind. You, the one that is sought out by the ancient gods and goddesses of the lands of the Germanic peoples. You, who have been called Home. You, to whom this reading shall speak as it must, have been led here, to alter your reality, to destroy yourself, a sacrifice of yourself unto yourself, so you may rise again, anew, a Creator unto your own reality.
If you wish to proceed, read carefully! If you fail to understand the nature of everything I write here, if you are impatient, if you expect instant gratification, if this is too much reading for you, you are not meant for this path, and you are not the one that is sought. That said, asking for clarification on what you should be expecting and getting into, if it is not already answered in this listing, is perfectly acceptable; this is a hallmark of the wise and those who are cautious at the right time.
---What is Runic Initiation?---
Only one of sufficient mettle, intelligence, and perserverance may walk this path, for this is not a path for the faint of heart, those who quit readily, and who lack the inner strength and fortitude, and, most importantly, Will to endure the harships ahead. A sacrifice is required, Seeker. Willingly you surrender the course of your life, for a time, to the Universal Energies, represented by these sacred symbols, the runes of old. Like Odin hung from the World Tree Yggdrasil, pierced by his own spear, Gungnir, in search of the sacred knowledge of the runes, you too shall suspend yourself in spiritual fashion, not in body, but symbolically, as you tread upon this most sacred path of Germanic shamanic initiation. In the dark forests of ancient Germania, where the Old Gods yet dwell, these symbols were first seen in our realm, and for centuries they were lost, but now, the wisdom of the Old Ones is returning to this world.
I, who have come to Know the runes as you shall, who have come to Know myself as you truly shall know yourself, will open within you the very floodgates of the Universe and it's energies within you, so they may embrace you, teach you, slowly, through trials, tests, and the destruction of the False Ego that is your current Self, so it may be a sacrifice unto You, the Divine Creator that lurks within, and forge out of you, through blood, sweat, and tears, a Warrior fit to wield the power of these mighty symbols.
Through purchasing this ritual, you so agree, and you agree with all mentioned in this listing. This is a binding spiritual contract you shall enter into, and the energies shall hold you to this agreement.
To step onto the path of the Runemaster or Runemistress is to step onto a path from which there shall be no return. As long as your initiation lasts, your life belongs to the runic forces, and you shall be subject to trials, tribulations, lessons, and, make no mistake, great rewards and power at your disposal, discovered and unlocked within. But this power must be earned and will not be mastered by all. The weak will falter, the meek will crumble, and only the ones with true Will and perserverance will stand.
You will be taught the ancient runes of the Proto-Germanic Elder Futhark system, their meanings, powers, and come into contact with the Universal powers that govern them. This will happen through being subject to years of intense lessons and reconstruction and, where necessary, deconstruction and decimation, of the False Ego that is your current "Self." They shall reveal to you, through life experience brought unto your path, through the spirits, entities, gods and goddesses of old that work in tandem with these forces, the knowledge and wisdom you need in order to pass your trials and challenges that will see you pass the final test that each rune in the three Aettir (or "rows") of the Elder Futhark system has to offer you.
This is an initiation to unlock and reveal, to you and others that know where to look, the Divine within you, to bring about balance within you of both the light and darkness inside you, as nature intended for it to be. To embrace merely the light or the dark is foolish, for in such duality only division and denial of the opposite can be found. Why work with one hand, when you can utilize the gifts of both? You will learn to heal and you will learn to harm. You will learn to protect, and you will learn to subjugate through magick rites. You will learn to carve, draw, chant, and tap into the magickal powers and forces that fuel reality itself. True understanding of these natural forces and the magickal uses for these will be revealed, in time. Patience and persistance must be your watchwords. Magick rewards the studious, those with Will, and it shall destroy the impatient, the foolish, and the naive, that expect instant results. This initiation shall devour you if you are weak of will, if you grow impatient, or grow arrogant and refuse to heed the lessons the runes shall teach you; you have been warned.
Through the runes, you shall come to a deeper knowledge of yourself and of reality, one rune at a time.
You will begin with the rune of Fehu, as the runes prime you for a basic understanding of the Futhark and of that which you are already familiar with; material goods, wealth, physical possessions, a lack of these things, etc., leading you into the raw, grounding, primal strength and energetic force of Uruz, so your energy may prepare itself and you will either end with Othila or Dagaz, depending on who you are, and what the runic forces and gods see as a fitting end to your initiation.
You will be required to do research, meditation, to weave spells to alter your fate, your Wyrd, to divine with the runes, and trust in your intuitive gifts, while learning to balance them with common sense and logic, to face the challenges the runic energies throw at you head-on, and without fear, as it befits those that walk with the old Germanic gods. While support through the spiritual is available, you are ultimately alone on this path. You, and you alone, must complete the initiations of each rune before moving on to the next rune, despite assistance received. There will, ultimately, be no mercy for you. The challenges will be posed, and it is up to you whether you sink or swim; you adapt, or you fail. This is evolution, this is conflict, and this is part of nature's harmony, as you will come to understand. This is the path of the spiritual Warrior.
There will be allies and friends, false friends, enemies both spiritual and perhaps physical, to overcome. You will work through, and be faced with, issues relating to your well-being, including your spiritual Self, your inner being, and/or your financial situation. Lovers may come and lovers may go, those who you thought you could rely on may abandon you, but your life, and most importantly, you, will undergo the changes of lifetimes necessary for your growth and ascent. These trials and others beside will be brought upon your path, over the course of years, perhaps even a decade, if so necessary. Therefore, do not expect to purchase this and immediately see results. The initiation lasts as long as it needs to for you to learn and grow in accordance with the expectations the initatory forces have of you. Patience, hard work, and dilligence are the traits of those who triumph on this path.
Understand that, through this ritual, you are being introduced to the runic energies, and the portals to them within you opened, but I will not personally initiate you after this point. In other words; I do not agree to take you on as an apprentice, nor will I be mentoring you.
You are entering into an agreement to be initiated into an ancient magickal system, not to have your ego stroked and to pursue pure self-gratification. You *will* face hardship as a result of this initiation, so you may destroy yourself in order to rebuild yourself. If you do not understand these parameters, if you think this is a game, do not purchase this listing, and turn back while you still can. I will show you no sympathy if you are foolish and purchase this without being prepared, and neither will the gods or the runic energies. Furthermore; this initiation will not be over in the span of a single year. It will take several years at least. Therefore, I can not reiterate enough that this is a long-term commitment.
I, who have been initiated into the Elder Futhark, will merely open the gate for you and show you the way to enter. That is where my work in this matter shall begin and end on your behalf, though we shall delve deeper into my role and what I will personally do for you as a result of you purchasing this listing later on in this listing. Let Odin, the shamanic warrior-god who first took up the runes through self-sacrifice, be your guide as you walk the lonely path of being cast into the Abyss, to rise again wielding this ancient knowledge learned by the Allfather so long ago.
Ultimately, how your own initiation will go will completely depend on the runes, as each and every initiation into the runes is custom-tailored by the Universal Energies of the runes to the individual undergoing them. There is no one right way in this regard.
---What is the Purpose of This Initiation?---
This is an excellent and astute question, though we have touched upon this earlier in the listing. Your ultimate goal is to develop yourself, to unlock within yourself your true Divine Will and potential, to uncover who you truly are, to destroy and discard what you do not truly need, to purify yourself, and to learn the many skills a shamanic warrior needs to aid themselves, their people, this planet, and to fulfill their Soul's calling. What this calling is, and how it is manifest, you must discover for yourself, and is part of the initiation into which you will be submerged.
Imagine you could hold the power to garner protection in your life, to alter someone's fate, to communicate with the spiritual realms, to walk among the spirits and gods as you converse with people in the physical realms, strike bargains and form pacts with spirits and deities to safeguard your loved ones. Imagine being able to divine the most likely outcome of a situation, and then take steps through magick to alter the current course of events, before they have a chance to unfold. These things and more are skills you will learn to harnass and master, in time, and with practice.
---What I Will Do For You---
Upon your purchase of this listing, I will engage in lengthy meditation, trance work, astral journeying, communing with Odin and other helping spirits, and perform extensive divination with the runes on various matters on your behalf. Once this process is completed, and all the information I need is gathered, I will ask you, depending on what these processes reveal to me, to prepare for the rituals that will follow in various ways, depending on what will work best for you, in such a manner that will open your individual energy to the rituals done on your behalf in the best way possible.
Once these preparation rituals are completed and we have worked through any spiritual and energetic issues that need to be addressed according to my findings, I will begin three rituals on three consecutive nights on your behalf. I must warn you; these rituals will be extremely taxing on you if you are not already a decently experienced sorcerer or sorceress of whatever variety.
During the first of these rituals, I shall infuse you with the energies of the first Aett, the first row of runes, of the Elder Futhark, so you may become subconsciously and energetically familiar with them. You will then be infused with the energies of the second and third Aettir, on the second and third night of these rituals, respectively. I would like you to be aware that these rituals will also require a great deal of preparation and energy, both on my part, as well as on yours. Therefore, we will discuss what time works best for you. Do not be surprised if it may take weeks for us to be able to carry out the ritual proceedings. You will more than likely need to be able to rest extensively after these rituals are performed, so we will want to schedule these rituals during a relatively quiet time in your life. I caution you against being overconfident in this regard, as underestimating the impact of these rituals is a very bad first sign in regards to your attitude towards the initiation that will follow on the heels of the rituals I will do for you, as the strain on your energy, coupled with the potentially strenuous and stressful hustle and bustle of everyday life may lead to energetic depletion, burnout, excessive stress, depression, etc. You have been warned.
Therefore, let it be very, very clear to you that, if you step onto this path with sincerity, if you truly wish to harness the power of the runes, if you be a follower of one of the Abrahamic faiths, your god and his servants will abandon you, and may even seek to bring harm unto you. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." We have experienced this in our practices, and seen this in others. There will be no turning back from this if you are serious about this, nor will it matter to you. For the duration of this initiation, you are surrendering yourself to a power greater than the Abrahamic gods and spirits, and indeed, greater than any Pagan god; that of the very Source, which some would call "GOD" itself, containing in itself the Universe and all within. No religious devotion is required of you to it, no obeisance, no act of worship to this Being is required of you. All that is asked of you is that you work through your initiation with bravery, strength, courage, Will, and perserverance.
When you purchase this listing, you grant me, whether you are aware of this or not, the ability and permissions to bypass, remove, extract, and, where necessary, destroy and/or disable your past religious ties, baptisms, constructs, installations, servitors, spirits, contracts, guides, etc. that seek to enforce Abrahamic rule of law in your life. I will let the runic energies guide me in this through extensive meditation, trance, astral journeying, divination with the runes, and through communing with Odin. I will *never* remove spirits, constructs, entities, guides, etc. from you that do not have a function towards the ends of spiritual subjugation or enforcing religious obedience to an Abrahamic deity.
I want you to be aware of one thing, however! It may be the case that I will know of such past ties, but see no need to remove them myself. This is done for one reason, and one reason alone: your initiation might involve the resolving of such past ties that restrain you and hold you down. I will let the spirits and gods involved make the final call in this.
---Store Policies---
These rituals will be performed directly on you, through long-distance spell work. Please be aware of this before purchasing. As a result, there will no shipping costs, since there are no items involved.
Be advised that we will not sell any of our items to clients below the age of 18.
Please also be aware that for medical conditions, whether mental or physical, you should always consult the appropriate trained, licensed professional. The items sold in this store are not a replacement or substitute for professional help.
The law requires that we state that these items are listed "For Entertainment Purposes Only." We are not liable for any and all misusage of this item or purchase, nor can we guarantee that these items and listings will work magically.