Lotus Leaf T-Oil is for the relief of athletes foot, eczema and a wide range of skin fungal infection. This formula is best for combating athletes foot, skin irritations and itches. Athletes foot and eczema are caused by bacteria and fungus infecting and damaging the skin. If left untreated, the infection will quickly spread to other parts of the body. It will cause unbearable itch and turn unsightly and thereby may disrupt daily life. T-Oil is ideal for eliminating bacteria and fungal infection effectively. Apply T-Oil at least twice a day for optimum results. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Additional Details
Product description: Lotus Leaf T-Oil is for the relief of athlete’s foot, eczema and a wide range of skin fungal infection. This formula is best for combating athlete’s foot, skin irritations and itches. Athlete’s foot and eczema are caused by bacteria and fungus infecting and damaging the skin. If left untreated, the infection will quickly spread to other parts of the body. It will cause unbearable itch and turn unsightly and thereby may disrupt daily life. T-Oil is ideal for eliminating bacteria and fungal infection effectively. Apply T-Oil at least twice a day for optimum results. 荷叶牌海底铁树油专治香港脚,富贵手,皮肤磁痒及一切癣疾。香港脚及富贵手乃是由于各类球菌和真菌侵犯皮肤所致,如初起时不加调治,便会很快地蔓延,不但有碍仪表,而且奇痒难堪,给患者的工作生活带来极大的不便。