Title: The ABC's Of The I.D.R. 1943 by Capt. Paul Brown

Publisher: The Macmillan Company

Publication Year: 1943 (Reprinted May, 1943)

Condition: Good (With wear and front cover partially separated from spine, as seen in photos)


Delve into the world of "The ABC's Of The I.D.R. 1943" by Capt. Paul Brown, a vintage publication that provides insights into the intricacies of the time. This book is a unique historical resource that reflects the experiences and knowledge of its era.

This is a rare and vintage handbook on close-order drill, the manual, parade, formal guard mount, and other military procedures published by The Macmillan Company in 1943. It contains 329 pages of practical instructions and illustrations on how to perform various movements and commands in the Infantry Drill Regulations (I.D.R.). It also covers topics such as saluting, marching, signaling, and inspecting. 

This is a great book for collectors, historians, or anyone interested in learning about the I.D.R. from the past.

Key Features:

  • Publication Year: 1943 (Reprinted May, 1943)
  • Publisher: The Macmillan Company
  • Content: Gain a deeper understanding of the I.D.R. (Industrial Democracy and Reconstruction) in 1943 through the informative and engaging writing of Capt. Paul Brown.
  • Condition: This vintage book is in good condition, as evidenced in the provided photos. However, it's important to note that there is wear, and the front cover is partially separated from the spine, which is visible in the photos. These aspects add to the book's historical character. Please see the photos of the book to see its condition.
  • Photos: Please refer to the attached photos for a visual representation of the book's condition, including the wear and the separation of the front cover from the spine.

Whether you're a history enthusiast, a collector of vintage publications, or interested in the I.D.R. during the 1940s, this book offers a valuable perspective.