Title: American Red Cross Standard FIRST AID & Personal Safety, Second Edition 1979 Edition: Second Edition Publication Year: 1979 Condition: Good (With notes and underlining by prior owner, as seen in photos) Description: Explore the essential principles of first aid and personal safety with the "American Red Cross Standard FIRST AID & Personal Safety," Second Edition, published in 1979. This informative guide is enriched with valuable knowledge and is ideal for individuals looking to acquire life-saving skills and enhance personal safety. This is a vintage and informative handbook on first aid and personal safety published by Doubleday in 1979. It contains 206 illustrations and 268 pages of practical instructions on how to deal with various injuries and illnesses, such as bleeding, burns, fractures, poisoning, shock, fainting, and more. It also covers topics such as hygiene, sanitation, nutrition, and prevention of disease. Key Features:
Whether you're a student seeking to study first aid, a collector of vintage Red Cross materials, or someone interested in personal safety knowledge, this book offers a unique and educational perspective. |