Dwarf Pineapple Guava tree {Feijoa sellowiana} Edible fruits and flowers Showy blooms 10+ seeds  


Guava is an evergreen shrub that will reach 10 to 15 ft. in height with an equal spread  

in tropical areas but is more often seen in warm temperate zones (like coastal  

North Carolina) at 5-6 feet with an equal spreadThe shrub's habit is relatively  

dense in colder areas where late frosts and severe cold nip branch tips in the bud,  

but it can grow to be open and spreading in warmer areas where nature relies on  

horticulturists to do the pruning.  


It prefers full sun but will tolerate partial shadeConsistent soil moisture is important  

to produce quality fruitsWater deeply and regularly and provide mulch to add nutrients  

and protect the shallow roots. It also prefers moist, well-drained soil but will tolerate  

a range of less than ideal soils, from sand to heavy clayIn full sun it flowers and  

fruits most heavily but will perform well in partial shade (albeit with somewhat reduced  

flowering and fruit set). 



To increase the chances of germination (and reduce the time), let the seeds sit in a little water for two weeks, or boil them for five minutes, then plant in a pot filled with soilless seed-starting mix. Cover the seed with just a small amount of seed-starter mix.