Custard Sugar Apple {Annona Squamosa}10 Tree Seeds Non-GMO Tropical Fruit Sweet Superfruit 

Grow Zones: 9-11   

Other names: Sweetsop, Sugar Apple Plant 


Annona Squamosa is found growing wild in lowland native tropical and sub-tropical regions of the United States, Brazil, Australia, Equador, Columbia and Hawaii in dry sandy areas. This A. squamosa species in particular is the most drought-tolerant of them all. It is also the most adaptable Annona species of them all. A. squamosa Custard Apple shrub trees are able to grow in poor nutrient soil types (even in heavy limestone-filled soils). Likewise, you won't need to give them special soils to grow. One can be quite neglectful on watering as well. "Plant-it-and-forget-it" can become your new mantra with these easy to grow versatile fruit trees. 


Custard Sugar Apple trees are on the shorter size (10-20 ft. tall). They are categorized as a shrub or small tree. This is very convenient when you want to pick the fruits off of the tree without a lot of fuss. 

About flavor, sugar apples taste reminiscent to a recipe we all love: Custard Apple pie (minus the flaky crust). Indeed, sweetsop fruits offer a healthy sugary goodness that will keep you salivating! 

So, if you live in a tropical or sub-tropical region and you wish to plant some fruit trees in your backyard orchard or garden, these custard apple seeds are a choice you won't regret making. These seeds were collected from a professional orchard tree grower located in California. They are fresh, reliable and at an unbeatable price for you today. Take advantage of this great deal. 


Germination Instructions: Scarify seeds by soaking them in water for 3 days prior to sowing. Sow at a 3/4 inch depth when temperatures are 70 degrees or higher as, the seeds need this warmth to sprout. Germination time: 30-90 days.