Abexol is a completely natural preparation that has been used for 20 years for: gastrointestinal problems, gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenum, mustard, provides enough mucus in the gastric mucosa and protects the stomach from aggressive factors, prevents oxidative processes, protects the body from free radicals improves symptoms of osteoarthritis, fatty liver. In addition to the diet, ABEXOL is used in: GASTROINTESTINAL PROBLEMS: Gastric mucosa inflammation or gastritis Gastric ulcer and duodenum Mustard OSTEOARTRITIS (arthrosis Fatty liver PROTECTS AND RECOVERES THE BODY MUSCLE FROM NEGATIVE EFFECTS CAUSED BY: Medication Helicobacter pylori infections Alcohol Stress PROTECT THE ORGANISM FROM THE DAMAGE EFFECTS OF OXIDATIVE STRESS AND FREE RADICALS ANTI AGING AGAIN COMPOSITION: 1 tablet contains 50mg of purified beeswax extract (a mixture of tetracosanol, hexacosanol, octacosanol, triacontanol, dotriacontanol, tetratriocontanol). |