Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! *
Etude Magazine
-- Rare magazine, covering music extensively, including articles about music and teaching, for all levels, and many pages of sheet music in each issue!
Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! *


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COVER: Trio. Painting by Dorothy Bayley.

World of Music.
The Centenary of Brahms . . . Daniel Gregory Mason.
A Miniature Music Club . . . R Price.
What Is a Tone Poem ? . . . C A. Mansfield.
Annual Banquet of Moths' Association. by Madame Ima Gay Moth
Personal Reminiscences of Brahms . . . Adele Lewing.
What a Musical Education May Cost . . . Government Document.
Why Wagner Selected Bayreuth . . . Julia E. Schelling.
Schubert and Beethoven . . . O A. Selwyn.
Records and Radio . . . P. H Reed.
What Form Is to Music . . . Percy Goetschius.
Band and Orchestra Department . . . V J Grabel.
Fitting instrumental Music to Small School Schedule . . . E. W. Nalbach.
What Music School Shall I Attend ? . . . E W. Nalbach.
Music Study Extension Course Teachers' Round Table . . . J Thompson.
Building a Large Music Class in a Country District . . . C G Hamilton.
Educational Study Notes . . . H M. Barrow.
Singer's Etude . . . R R Peery.
For the Untrained Singer . . . A Jeffires.
Old Italian Secrets . . . O. A. Tory.
What to Sing Before a Microphone . . . W. A. Skiles.
Organist's Etude.
Music of the Mass, Part II . . . J. A. Boylan.
Tone Color in Accompaniment . . . W. Reed.
Gavin' out" the Hymn . . . W. J. Comley.
Congregational Rehearsals . . . E MacMillan.
Organ and Choir Questions and Answers . . . H. S. Fry.
Violinist's Etude . . . R Braine.
Violin Intonation . . . N Weinberg.
Story of a Fiddle . . . C D. Cassidy.
Honest Makeshifts . . . J W. Hulf.
Violin Questions Answered . . . R Braine.
Questions and Answers . . . K W. Gehrkens.
Voice Questions Answered . . . F. W. Wodell.
Musician's Mirror . . . R Heylbut.
How to Use Seals . . . J, H. Duddy.
A Musical Current Events Course . . . HH, Edgerton.
Junior Etude . . . E . Gest.
Class Method for Private Teacher . . . L M. Smith.

SHEET MUSIC for playing!
Fascinating Pieces for the Musical Home.
Parade of the Grasshoppers . . . W. A, Johnson.
Ariel . . . O W. Kern.
In a Hammock . . . W, .Hodson.
Dream Shadows . . . O Bien.
Squadrons of the Air . . . I M. Ritter.
Indian Sunset . . . O Klemm.
Sweet Lavender . . . E II. Adams.
Master Works.
Hide and Seek . . . A Kopylozo.
March from Capriccio, No. 22 . . . F Mendelssohn.
Outstanding Vocal and Instrumental Novelties.
Fulfillment (Vocal) . . . A F. Kellogg.
The House by the Side of the Road (Vocal) . . . I.C. Gulesian.
In a Mission Garden (Organ) . . . Diggle.
The Deserted Garden (Violin & Piano) . . . F B. Price.
Gopak (Four Hands) . . . M. Mussorgsky.
Progressive Music for Orchestra Nocturne, Midsummer Night's Dream . . . F Medelssohn.
Delightful Pieces for junior Etude Readers.
Summer-time Frolic . . . Adair.
The GayOld Frog . . . Endres.
In the Alps . . . Glaffin.
My Dolly . . . Maskell.
The Donkey Ride . . . Erb.
Rain Song . . . Reb.

* NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date.
This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

LARGE sized magazine (Approx 10oe"X 13"), COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)
A great snapshot of the time, and a terrific Birthday present or Anniversary gift!
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