(3) Three Antique Photographs with Pendleton and Burd family connections. Includes a cabinet photo of Adelia Pendleton (sister to Thomas M. Burd), a carte de visite (CDV) of Jane Thomas Pendleton (mother of Frances), and a tintype photo of Grandmother Thomas (sister of Jane Pendleton). Photos taken in Boston, except for the tintype which does not state the location. Sizes range from 2.5 x 4.25, to 4.25 x 6.5 including mounts. Condition: These are original photographs, not a copy or reproduction. The CDV and tintype are in excellent condition. The cabinet photo has been trimmed at the top and has a bent upper right corner. Comments: These photos come from a larger collection of Burd / Pendleton / Adams family photographs which are listed separately in groups or individually. They include: George Burd, Emily Wooster Burd, Saumuel & Minnie Burd, Mrs. Frank Adams (Burd, aka Mrs. B.F. Adams, sister to Charles Burd), Heywood Adams, Grandmother Thomas (sister to Jane Pendleton), Jane Thomas Pendleton (mother of Frances), and Adeline Pendleton (sister to Frances M. Burd), and finally an eclectic tintype including Emily Burd, brother James, Nell Fuller, and Lena Leberland.