The Rose of Sharon, also known as Althea, is a deciduous, ornamental, hardy shrub. It brings a bit of tropic beauty to more temperate climates. It is a member of the Hibiscus genus. The beautiful white color flowers that bloom make a beautiful sight to your landscape. Hummingbirds and butterflies love these shrubs. So if you love to watch them make sure you plant some outside your deck or patio. Great used for borders, hedges, life fences, and screens. Unlike other shrubs their leaves do not start appearing until late spring to early summer. The Rose of Sharon is a heat lover shrub as it can stand up to summer’s heat.
The White Rose of Sharon grows 8-10 feet high and 4 - 6 feet wide. Oval in shape it has white blooms in late summer through the fall. Medium-green leaves are coarse.
Prefers full sun
Prefers moist, well-drained soil
Zones 5 - 9
The plant was starting with seeding, the flower color may not as same as the mother plant.
Due to large size 3+ year plant, the shipping cost has been increasing a lot.