This is a gorgeous natural, polished banded onyx egg. (I am confident this it is a banded onyx but there is a chance it is an agate. They are both forms of the mineral chalcedony with onyx having parallel bands and agate, wavy bands.). This lovely mineral is half white onyx and half brown. It weights about 10 ounces and measures about 3" tall and 2" wide. This polished egg was purchased several years ago in Jordan.
Onyx is said to be a crystal with spiritual powers. A white onyx egg symbolizes emotional strength and brings happiness. Brown onyx encourages self-realization, helps attain goals, make one more responsible, improves analytical thinking and logic, brings harmony, and gives the holder the strength to persevere. Onyx is an earth stone and is associated with the astrological signs Leo and Gemini. It is also the 7th anniversary gemstone. This lovely colored egg gift for a Leo, Gemini or for good luck.