For your consideration is a Lovely, Antique
Message of the President of the United States, and accompanying documents, to the two houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Thirty-eighth Congress, Washington, G.P.O., 1863, 1ed Book.


1863 1st Ed CIVIL WAR Messages to Congress USS Atlanta CSA Battle Maps Illustrated.

A rare 1863 printing of the reports of accounts from the American Civil War given to the 38th Congress. This work covers a variety of topics including numerous explanations on battles, expansion voyages, and military operations carried out by the United States Navy. The messages in this work are accompanied by impressive illustrations including one of particular note – engravings of the USS Atlanta, a Confederate and Union ironclad during the Civil War. Other full-page illustrations show maps, forts, city views, and battle locations.

Hardcover, Size: 9 x 6 x 2-3/4 Inches- 1109 pages.

Externally: Good Condition.
The binding connecting pages are intact.
Binding: Hardcover, tight and secure.

Internally: Good Condition.
There are some spotting, browning and wear.
Pages are age toned.

This scarce book should be used only as a collectible presentation or for professional purposes!!!

Cosmetic condition is as clearly and accurately shown in the high-definition pictures provided.

Please inspect all of them carefully!

Nice item for Antique Book History lovers and it would be a great addition to a collection!!