2 X Appeton Weight Gain Powder 900g Chocolate Adults Increase Weight & Energy

Appeton Weight Gain (Adult):
Appeton Weight Gain Adult is a high protein formula which is clinically proven to increase weight in adults healthily.
How do I know if I am underweight?
A person is considered underweight is his or her BMI ( Body Mass Index) falls below a certain threshold. BMI = weight (kg) / (height)² (m²)
Weight Status:
BMI reading-
Underweight Below 18.5, Normal 18.5 to 24.9
Why are some adults underweight?
There are many reasons why adults are underweight. Most adult are skinny genetically where they have higher metabolism rate compare to others. Busy lifestyle with stress, depression, smoking, poor appetite, convalescence or strenuous physical activities are part of the reason why most adult stay skinny.
Amongst ladies especially, image might be another possible cause of poor eating habits. The influences from the TV commercial, image of “slim is beauty”, cultural, public talk, trendy and etc pressure girls and even guys to stay slim. In serious cases, they become obsessed with losing weight and run the risk of becoming anorexic.
How does Appeton Weight Gain help one to gain Weight Healthiy?
HAS a High PER of 3.1 for a more efficient weight gain
PER is a measurement of a proteins ability to increase body weight. FDA standard for PER value is 2.5. The higher the PER, the greater the ability to increase body weight. Appeton Weight Gain has a high PER value of 3.1.
Easily digested and absorbed
Appeton Weight Gain contains whey protein. Whey protein contains amino acids that are more easily digested and absorbed!
Contains the RIGHT amino acids
Appeton Weight Gain Adult contains the right and specific amounts of amino acids needed for tissue growth.
Increases Weight gradually
Eating high fat food for instant weight gain may compromise your health. It could increase your levels of bad cholesterol and glucose.
With Appeton Weight Gain it is a gradual weight gain without any side effects. It is important to take time to put on weight so that your body can adjust progressively.