Title: The Lost Christmas by Howard Knotts - Former Library Copy (1978 Edition, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Hardcover) Description:
Description: "The Lost Christmas" by Howard Knotts is a heartwarming and timeless holiday tale that captures the magic and spirit of the season. This vintage edition, once a cherished part of a library collection, preserves the enchantment and history of this special story. About the Book: "The Lost Christmas" weaves a delightful narrative that reminds readers of the true meaning of Christmas. Howard Knotts' storytelling evokes the warmth and joy of the holiday season, making it a perfect addition to your Christmas book collection. Former Library Copy: This book was once an integral part of a library's collection, as indicated by various library markings, such as a library stamp, card pocket, or markings. While it may carry these traces of its past, it still offers a charming reading experience and a connection to its history and previous readers. 1978 Edition: This edition dates back to 1978, making it a classic representation of the book's enduring appeal as a heartwarming Christmas story. Publisher: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich: Published by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, a respected publishing house known for its commitment to quality literature, this edition maintains the publisher's tradition of excellence. A Vintage Gem: This vintage edition of "The Lost Christmas" allows readers to experience the holiday magic while appreciating the book's history and the joy it has brought to generations of readers. Collectible and Heartwarming: For collectors of vintage holiday books or anyone seeking a unique edition of a beloved Christmas classic, this former library copy of "The Lost Christmas" is a heartwarming addition to any collection. Rediscover the Spirit of Christmas: Open the pages of "The Lost Christmas" to rediscover the timeless message of love, kindness, and the joy of giving. Share this cherished story with family and friends, and make it a part of your holiday traditions. "The Lost Christmas" by Howard Knotts, in its former library edition from 1978, is a treasured classic that continues to inspire readers with the magic of the holiday season. Don't miss the opportunity to own this heartwarming piece of Christmas literature with a touch of history. |