This is the darker embodiment of Lakshmi. Extremely Powerful XXX
Goddess Laksmi has summoned you here at this precise moment in time to share her material blessings AND magickal powers to bring love and happiness to your life.
Do you live paycheck to paycheck?
Do you have a hard time finding the perfect mate?
Always worried about how you are going to make ends meet?
Want to find true love that lasts unconditionally?
See things you want but can never find extra money to get them?
Want your mate to be loyal and trustworthy?
Wonder how others are able to enjoy the good life while you struggle?
Want to feel comfortably in love with someone who feels like a friend as well as a lover?
Want to be able to live comfortably and help others in need?
The Treasures, wealth and blessings of Goddess Lakshmi never run out. She has PLENTY to give. She is so loving and generous to those who respect her powers. By purchasing and accepting this binding, you are showing her that you do believe in her powers and you accept her gifts of wealth in every form.
She is never lacking in money and she wants you to have it!
She brings power when you feel weak
She bestows healing when you are sick
She delivers divine knowledge when you need it most!
She finds your true love and secures this person in your name!
###Name and date of birth please.

Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.
