Get ready for a magical adventure with Rainy Day Rescue, the third book in the Cutiecorns series by Shannon Penney. Join the colorful and cute Cutiecorns as they embark on a mission to save their friend, the adorable puppy Sparkles, from the clutches of the evil wizard. With 112 pages of fantasy, magic, action, and adventure, Rainy Day Rescue is a must-read for children of all ages.
This trade paperback book published by Scholastic, Incorporated in 2020 is written in English and measures 7.6 inches in length, 5.3 inches in width, and 0.3 inches in height. It weighs only 2.8 ounces and is perfect for kids aged 2-12, especially those who love animals, dogs, fantasy, and magic. Get your copy of Rainy Day Rescue today and let your imagination take flight!