PLEASE NOTE :Cactus are currently in a Dehydrating state You can plant now outside,inside , put in a zip lock bag, or lay on a counter. They are cactus they need little to no water top 2 pictures are current December 5 2021 PLEASE note: These are actual Cactus Pads, (Not seeds) You will have many lush full cactus growing in just 1 year Winter Hardy Prickly Pear Cactus . Opuntia humifusa Hardy to almost all of USA.. IN Pennsylvania they have survived to -15 below.
Thats the coldest Ive seen so not sure how much lower they can take. They just keep growing and spreading They have hundreds of beautiful large yellow flowers each year, with a red fruit You are buying 10 nice healthy cactus pads (unrooted). They root extremely easily and almost anywhere I live in approx. 35 miles East of Pittsburgh,Pa, we get a lot of snow, and temperatures down to -15 degrees. The cactus shrivel up each winter and come back to life in the spring. I cover mine with leaves for added winter protection. .Prickly Pear cactus plants are very hardy plants and need little care. Grows to a Height: 10 inches Spread: 18 - 36 inches Type: herbaceous perennial with a yellow flower. This hardy cactus is one of the only cactus I know of that will survive Eastern Us. Handle them with care each of the dots on the pad are actually filled with hundreds of very small stickers that will get into your skin at the slightest touch. They don't hurt much, but do itch and can cause skin irritation. please email me with questions . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just some general tips I get from questions: Plant them in the Driest worst possible soil you have in direct sun.. I reccomend adding sand or some mulch to clay. They do not do well in topsoil unless you add rocks,sand,mulch or some garbage soil.. The reason you do not see this native cactus to every state .(except Maine) is because Weeds kill them... I find the best way is to lay black plastic down and add 1 inch of sand,mulch even a lot of rocks on top and they do well..Weeds are easily removed this way.. I also add all my old Coffee grains and tea bags to the sand on all my plants.. Great fertilizer .. Plants will grow new 2 to 3 pads in a month and each pad grows 2 to 3 pads.but you can not cut them off and plant them until they are a decent size .At least 2 to5 inches .. baby 1 inch pads only have a 50/50 success rate. Plants get a yellow flower in May.. ( but I am told they flower in June and July in Montana and the Dakotas) In alaska I'm told they flower for only a week in august.. Seed pods usually only get 1 or 2 babys if you are lucky.. I am told Native americans made jelly from the pods..If anyone knows how to do this..Let me know.. Use rocks around them;; Rocks hold solar heat from the sun and keep the soil warm.. (this tip is for most plants) Just remember : They love poor soil that nothing grews in.. I have even found cuttings from the lawn mower growing in cracks in my blacktop driveway. Cactus go dorment and shrivel up to a red color around first freeze (freeze not frost) ..The reason they shrivel is they shed most of the water and wont freeze this way..Sorta like dehydrating itself..Nature is wonderful.. :) |