Gemstone Point Pendulum
We have uniquely balanced each pendulum with the bead, it may not sit exact, but its balanced.
And very sensitive.
All are unique and come packed in a plush velvet bag
The handle is a 3D lunar Hare Double sided
30mm and 45mm in length and also feature a 10 inch (260mm) Approx
silver coloured chain with a Double 3D Lunar Hare Handle
30 x 20 x 7mm
Vintage tone chain.
Made by eclectic shop uk ltd ®
No two items have identical markings.
For this reason one is picked at random for you.
This pendulum is comprised of 7 Chakra healing
stones bonded into a single piece
These are all 100% handmade.
Your pendulum will already be charged with healing energy.
In Lore it was said any item you needed to connect
with you must hold on and either sleep with your pendulum
Or hold it in your hands picture positive light surrounding stating your intentions
Not forgetting to ask what is 'yes and 'no.
ie what you want it to do for you, for example is it to attract wealth [Don't be greedy],
to heal a condition , protection against negative energy.
Keep it near to allow you and on you at all times to benefit from its vibrations and energies.
Base chakra Red Jasper survival, self preservation and security
Emotionally balanced grounded, healthy, stable and assertive.
Emotionally unbalanced insecure, fearful, aggressive, controlling and lacks confidence.
Affirmation 'I have the right to be me exactly as I am'
Sanskrit name and meaning Muladhara stillness.
Sacral chakra Peach aventurine emotions and sexuality
Emotionally balanced open and friendly, has respect for oneself and others
Emotionally unbalanced withdrawn, feelings of guilt and over dependant
Affirmation 'I am enough, what I do is enough, what I have is enough'
Sanskrit name and meaning svadhisthana sweetness.
Solar plexus chakra Golden Quartz self respect, personal power and confidence
Emotionally balanced confident, optimistic and alert
Emotionally unbalanced pessimistic, over sensitive, aggressive
Affirmation 'I love and respect myself at all times'
Sanskrit name and meaning manipura city of jewels.
Heart chakra Green aventurine love, peace and balance
Emotionally balanced generous, loving and compassionate
Emotionally unbalanced bitter, jealous, fearful of commitment/betrayal
Affirmation 'I am willing to love everything about myself'
Sanskrit name and meaning ~ Anahata ~ unstruck sound.
Throat chakra Turquoise Howlite communication and self expression
Emotionally balanced truthful, loyal and calm
Emotionally unbalanced untrustworthy, cold and unable to express emotions
Affirmation 'everything I do is an expression of love'
Sanskrit name and meaning Vishuddha purification.
Third eye chakra Lapis lazuli intuition and wisdom
Emotionally balanced intuitive and clear sighted
Emotionally unbalanced scatter minded, inability to trust intuition and inconsiderate
Affirmation 'I trust whatever comes to me is for my greatest good'
Sanskrit name and meaning Anja command.
Crown chakra Amethyst Divine peace, inner wisdom and oneness
Emotionally balanced spiritual awareness, empathy and knowledge of the self
Emotionally unbalanced depressed and confused
Affirmation 'I am divinely protected and guided'
Sanskrit name and meaning Sahasrarra thousandfold.
Please note that this is handmade with natural crystals formed over millions of years and
therefore may have some natural imperfections. This also means that each crystal we sell is
completely unique and so may differ from the pictures shown,
All are Reiki Charged by our own practitioner.
And will be cleansed ready for use (many still do this themselves)
This does not affect the healing properties in any way.
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Please note we are not responsible for your customs fees.
All CN22 and CN23 forms are filled out direct from.
(with every delivery company used depending on your order)
We will post your item with all paperwork
and once posted it is your responsibility
for the fee to be paid.
eclectic shop uk ltd ® and its logo are a registered trademark