I love this antique bracelet that fits like a bangle and has the most intricate open work filigree. Inside on the clasp, it is marked E&A company ( for E.A. Bliss which later became Napier in 1915). How neat it this that it is a pre-Napier piece! Great jewelry history! This one has faux jewels the color of purple, peridot, cobalt and pearl and red. I originally thought this was a close bangle but later I saw a hidden hinge and with a little trial and error, I managed to open it. Turns out the little knob is not there... Since the bracelet is large you can slide it over your wrist but you can still open the bracelet using a pin pushed in the little hole. SInce it is large like a bangle it fits well over the wrist without opening it. It measures 7 1/'2" long when closed and is 7/8" wide.I will leave it open when you get it so you can see the mark.