American Artist
Artist magazine of largest circulation. Artist profiles/interviews include multiple photos and reproductions over multiple pages, PLUS: Illustrations, technical features, columns, vintage ads and MORE --Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below!


Issue Date: April, 1977, Volume 41, Issue 417
This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited.
FRONT COVER: Golden Eagle, by Roger Tory Peterson, 1976, watercolor and acrylic, 40 x 30. Collection John Kitzmiller, Jr.

A FIELD GUIDE TO ROGER TORY PETERSON by John Diffily. Probably no artist since Samuel F. B. Morse has been as well known for his contribution to science as Peterson, the 20th century bird artist particularly known for his A Field Guide to the Birds. Yet Peterson is above all an artist. How did his love for art lead him to invent a means of identifying birds?.

JACK DAVIS: COVER STORY by Nick Meglin. In the field of humorous illustration, Jack Davis is known as the "fastest priced draw" in the East or West. In this step-by-step demonstration of the development of a cover for Time magazine, we see not only how Davis works, but how a major magazine works with artists.

EUGENE DELACROIX: COLOR MAGICIAN by Alfred Werner. This 19th century colorist's enmity toward lngres--to whom beautiful line meant everything--was legendary. But as the richest personality of modern French art, his paintings were an inspiration for many Americans studying in Paris.

FOREST MOSES: A MAN AND HIS SANCTUARY by Mary Carroll Nelson. "In New Mexico you find yourself acutely conscious of the sky, the land, and water,' says this artist, who develops a single motif through a series of paintings. What brought him to New Mexico? Why is his current series called Sanctuary?.

THE WATERCOLOR PAGE: JIM GRAY. "I try to capture a mood in all my paintings," says this Alabama artist. To him mood means the history behind a scene as well as what he might be experiencing. What methods does he use?.

A NEW METHOD OF METAL CASTING: COLD CASTING WITH EPOXY AND METAL POWDERS by Richard B. Plait. Cold casting, a process that adapts industrial materials to sculpture, seems to provide an alternative to the cumbersome and expensive meth- ods of traditional casting. A step-by-step demonstration shows how to do it; a gallery of works shows the effects of various materials one can use.

LOOKING AT PAINTINGS with Bernard Dunstan.
TECHNICAL PAGE by Ralph Mayer.
FORUM PAGE: The Art Market: What Is Its Future? by Jack Solomon and Alex Rosenberg.
PROFESSIONAL PAGE by Betty Chamberlain.
NEW ART BOOKS FOR SPRING: Information on scores of new art books provided by the publishers and arranged according to subject.

This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited.
Magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD +++ condition. (See photo)