Never heard of Smudging? Well, here's a tid bit about the ancient ritual.

“Smudging” is the practice of burning dried plant material to purify something or someone----or burned simply for enjoyment. Smudging has been well established as a Native American cultural or tribal practice.  But there’s science behind the smudge too: When burned, sage smoke releases ions that have been linked to positive mood boosts and stress-reduction.

We chose Blue sage because it is less pungent than other varieties of sage, and has a soothing scent and "cool" nature. Since it tends to be relaxing and less overpowering, it is a good choice for cleansing and preparing meditation spaces. 

Burning Your Sage: 

  • Light the end of the sage bundle(using a candle or matches). Gently, Blow out the flame. 
  • The tips of the leaves should smolder slowly, releasing a stream of smoke. Direct this smoke around your space, using your hands to waft the smoke into all areas(corners, behind doors, etc)
  • Allow the ash to collect in a heat resistant holder (i.e. ceramic dish). This also applies if you choose to just let the sage burn out after clearing and cleansing, 
  • It’s important to leave a window open during and after smudging. This allows smoke to escape, taking impurities and negative energy with it.
  • Never leave burning sage unattended.

When or how often can Smudging be done:

  • Smudging your desired space can be done whenever you like!