Group the forms by form number and transmit each group with a separate Form 1096. For example, if you must file both Forms 1098 and 1099-A, complete one Form 1096 to transmit your Forms 1098 and another Form 1096 to transmit your Forms 1099-A. You need not submit original and corrected returns separately. Do not send a form (1099, 5498, etc.) containing summary (subtotal) information with Form 1096. Summary information for the group of forms being sent is entered only in boxes 3, 4, and 5 of Form 1096. We recommend you file Forms 1099-MISC reporting NEC separately from 1099-MISC forms not reporting NEC.
Additional Details
Product description: Group the forms by form number and transmit each group with a separate Form 1096. For example, if you must file both Forms 1098 and 1099-A, complete one Form 1096 to transmit your Forms 1098 and another Form 1096 to transmit your Forms 1099-A. You need not submit original and corrected returns separately. Do not send a form (1099, 5498, etc.) containing summary (subtotal) information with Form 1096. Summary information for the group of forms being sent is entered only in boxes 3, 4, and 5 of Form 1096. We recommend you file Forms 1099-MISC reporting NEC separately from 1099-MISC forms not reporting NEC.