RCS Remotes RCS-UR Universal Receiver Dip Switch or Wiegand 26Bits RS485 NO/NC

The RCS-UR Receiver is a configurable Receiver Processor that can work with 6 different frequencies: 295MHz, 318MHz, 418MHz, 433MHz, 310MHz, and 300MHz.

These frequencies are selected by simply plugging in the desired radio frequency cards (RC) to the Receiver Processor Board. The output of the Processor can be through a 3 wire 485 BUS RF output, NO/NC relay output and/or the 4 wire Wiegand output terminal.

The Wiegand output can be selected to 26 or 30 bit through the dip 2 switch setting on the Processor Board. When shipped from RCS the radio Frequency Card Ports have jumper strips in them. These only should be replaced by Radio Cards.  Please follow wiring and dip switch settings for desired configuration. The UR Receiver can be powered through the Wiegand port or RF port.

Add one or two of any of the following receivers cards when ordering: