Have two of the Royal Doulton Knightsbridge Old Fashions or rumers. No chips or cracks. Bright and clear as they should be. 3 1/4" tall and 3" across the top.  These all have royal doulton watermark on the bottom. Listing more of this pattern. Have two large boxes of Knightbridge. 

Winning bidder to pay shipping & handling. If your not sure of something, ask before you bid, I will get back to you. If you need more pictures ask, I usually have more and will need your email address to send them. I will ship most anywhere but you will be responsible for any and all additional charges related to that, ask first. I sell lots of glass and shipping cost includes insurance.

I sell mostly old used items and try to describe them to the best of my ability. I will note the condition as I see it, that’s why its important for you to ask any questions before you place a bid if your not sure. By placing a bid you accept all terms of the auction as its described.   I mostly use USPS for shipping. I try to ship within 5 days of receiving your payment. Please make payment within 3 days of auction ending. If you need more time, contact me and I will work with you. All auctions are final unless grossly misrepresented. Once you have received your purchase and are happy with it and have left feedback, I will do the same, that tells me that you are pleased.