Oxalis deppei Iron Cross (four-leaf clover) - blooms from June to early winter. The flowers are painted in soft pink. Oxalis close in the evening and in cloudy weather and open during the day, especially when it is sunny. Oxalis deppei Iron Cross can be grown outdoors, overwintering successfully during the winter months. Choose a shady, dry and cool place.

Oxalis Iron Cross Fully hardy. Perennial. These bulbs can be grown in full sun or semi-shade in an area that has well-drained soil.

Plant your little Oxalis bulbs (technically rhizomes) in late spring or autumn, in a pot or straight out into the garden soil after all risk of frost is over.

Outdoors, in late autumn the top growth will die back. Pull or cut this away

Provide frost-free conditions for the bulbs to remain dormant over winter. During this time the compost should be kept barely moist.

Oxalis Iron Cross, also called Four Leaf Clover, are unique bulbs. They produce clusters of rosy pink blossoms during the summer. Looks great in containers, windowboxes or borders, perfect for some areas in the garden i.e. in the rockery, around the fish pond, front borders, pots and containers.